About: Ibrar Ayyub

Author Bio: I am an experienced technical writer with a background in computer science. I hold a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan University, one of the most reputable universities in Pakistan for computer science education. With my advanced degree and extensive experience in the field, I have a deep understanding of various computer science concepts and technologies. In addition to my expertise in computer science, I have a diverse range of experience in technical writing. I have written for various industries, covering a wide range of topics, including engineering, home automation, and more. My ability to communicate complex technical information in a clear and concise manner has made me a valuable asset to many organizations. My writing style is characterized by its clarity and simplicity. I am able to break down complex concepts and explain them in a way that is easy to understand for readers with different levels of technical knowledge. I am also skilled in using various forms of media, such as infographics and diagrams, to make my writing more engaging and interactive. I have a special interest and expertise in home automation and engineering; I have written several articles and research papers on the topic and am well known in the field. My writing on home automation and engineering is informative, accurate, and reliable, providing valuable insights on the latest technologies and trends in the field. Overall, I am an experienced technical writer who can provide valuable insights and information for various fields of life, mainly home automation and engineering. I have the qualifications and experience to write about a wide range of topics, and my writing style is clear, simple, and engaging. I am an asset to any organization that requires technical writing services.
Upwork: upwork.com/freelancers/~0195c6d2cf6594198f
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Posts by Ibrar Ayyub:

AVR ATtiny4313 in Bascom, GCC and Assembler

Posted on: 01 Apr 2024

This project explores the functionalities of the AVR ATtiny4313 microcontroller using three different programming environments: Bascom-AVR, GCC, and Assembly language. The focus is on utilizing timers and interrupts to achieve tasks like blinking an LED. Hardware Setup: The project utilizes an ATtiny4313 microcontroller mounted on a breadboard. A crystal oscillator with two capacitors sets the […]

An Individual Progress Report on (ECE 445)

Posted on: 30 Mar 2024

Abstract This report will detail the work I have done since the initial submission of the design document which took place in September. This document was prepared in accordance with the final reporting guidance issued. This post will outline what I have done to restructure the team after the loss of a partner and the […]

Complete Guide to Transient Voltage Suppressor Diodes

Posted on: 28 Mar 2024

Introduction With many upgrades and improvements in the electronics industry, meeting the challenge of shielding delicate parts from occurrences such as voltage surges and ESD requires a strategic approach. Unfortunately, these transient events may turn forgotten or neglected, which results in excessive damage. This is a common case for system failures, breach of confidence in […]

Switching Diodes 101: What You Need to Know

Posted on: 11 Mar 2024

Diodes: they’re small but have a big job to play in various circuits. Switching diodes in particular are indispensable, essential for regulating voltage and processing all the signals our digital world revolves around in work, play, and daily living. Most electronics engineers will have to use them at some point, so why not learn about […]

Maximizing Productivity with an Automated Inventory Tracking System

Posted on: 23 Feb 2024

Abstract The Automated Inventory Tracking System (AITS) aims to address deficiencies in the routine management of personal belongings. Specifically, it aims to minimize waste in grocery shopping by providing users with a comprehensive view of their possessions, complete with product names, specifications, and expiration dates. This initiative involves the identification of grocery item barcodes, which […]

Lighting Up Your World: The Atmel AVR Microcontroller LED Chasing Project

Posted on: 21 Feb 2024

Building the LED chasing effect stands out as an engaging project for many beginners and enthusiasts in the embedded systems domain or hobbyist circles. This project entails leveraging both the Arduino IDE and Atmel AVR Studio to program the AVR ATMega168 microcontroller, thereby offering an opportunity to familiarize oneself with these widely recognized Integrated Development […]

Fabric-Based Interaction: Unveiling the Conductive Fabric Gesture-Control Sleeve

Posted on: 19 Feb 2024

Abstract This design project addressed the challenges associated with over-reliance on smartphone screens by introducing a wearable fabric sleeve. The sleeve delivers incoming call notifications wirelessly through haptic feedback and enables touch-sensitive gesture recognition for interacting with smartphones or similar devices. The touch-sensitive grid was crafted using conductive thread and relied on high impedance capacitive […]

Building a Reliable RFID-Based Security System with AVR ATmega32

Posted on: 17 Feb 2024

A cost-effective and dependable safeguarding solution has been developed to protect a three-phase induction motor from various electrical anomalies including unbalanced voltages, under voltage, over voltage, short circuits, and overheating. To maintain affordability, the design utilizes components such as the Atmega32 microcontroller, MOSFETs, relays, as well as small current transformers (CTs) and potential transformers (PTs). […]

Advance Protection for Three Phase Induction Motor using Microcontroller Atmega32

Posted on: 15 Feb 2024

I.      INTRODUCTION Ensuring the protection of induction motors is crucial for their prolonged operational life. While numerous researchers have delved into this domain, many existing protection schemes are deemed impractical and costly within the Indian context. In the event of a phase outage due to fuse failure or protective device activation, three-phase induction motors have […]

Electrifying Engagement: Building a Quiz Buzzer Circuit for Interactive Quizzes

Posted on: 13 Feb 2024

Circuit Diagram In the circuit diagram of the School/College quiz Buzzer circuit using the 555 IC, three 555 timer ICs are arranged in a bistable configuration. Each 555 IC has its own stable state controlled by individual buttons accessible to the participants. Additionally, there is a single button that manages the common stable state of […]

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