Currently revising the design to reduce weight and have bigger wing chord base on advise from DIYdrones with slightly shorter wings.
AUW 1521 Grams Wing loading 14.83 oz/ft² power to weight 270 Watts per Kg should perform much better than Yellow plane one.
I’m changing from the D4023-850 Out Runner Motor to a higher kv Turnigy L3010C-1300kv Tests show significant improvement in static thrust 1700 Grams. I also have a Turnigy D3542/4 1450KV in reserve If I need more grunt, got 2 Kgs from this wee beasty on the test rig.
I ran the D4023-850 on a Turnigy dlux 30A SBEC but the Turnigy L3010C-1300kv needs more Amps so I have a H-KING 50A Fixed Wing ESC which seems good at full load only gets warm.
Decided on HobbyKing 929MG Metal Gear Servo’s which seem like nice devices, I have trashed most of the cheapies I had in various mishaps.
For more detail: Arduino Controlled Yellow Plane