Proteus simulation based avr projects:
Proteus simulation based avr projects including Fingerprint based security system This AVR microcontroller based project demonstrates Finger print based access control / security system, in this project we have provided all required data, PCB, Code, Circuit Diagram.
Here is Proteus simulation based avr projects list:
Atmega32-Based Smart Car Parking Solution Using ATMEL STUDIO The intelligent microcontroller oversees the operation of an automatic car parking system. Utilizing sensors, this project provides real-time feedback through LED displays. Within the automatic parking system (APS), vehicles are…
Interfacing of Push Button with Atmega16 In this tutorial, I will walk through interfacing a push button with the Atmega16 microcontroller. It is assumed the reader has some familiarity with basic microcontroller concepts from my previous…
How to use Push Button with ATMEGA32 AVR Microcontroller This tutorial will provide an understanding of push buttons and their integration with the AVR ATmega32 microcontroller. While push buttons can be applied to control various devices, we will focus…
AVR Tutorial for Beginners This tutorial series designed specifically for beginners. If you are a beginner looking to play with cool electronic stuff, then you are going to find this very useful. This AVR…
ATMEL USB PROGRAMMER CIRCUIT ZIF SOCKET USBASP ATMEGA8 Atmel USB programmer shared by more ö “Atmel AVR USB programmer” circuit designed by the advanced ZIF socket version. Source: usbasp – USB programmer for Atmel AVR controllers As…
Interfacing 8051 Microcntroller With 16*2 Lcd in Proteus Simulation This is a very basic project of 8051. In this project we are going to tell you about how we can interface 16*2 lcd to 8051 microcontroller. So here we…
Interfacing 8051 Microcontroller With Lcd in 4-bit Mode In this tutorial we are going to tell you about how we can interface lcd with 8051 in 4-bit mode. Step 1: Software Used: As we are showing proteus simulation…
How to Count From 0 to 99 Using 8051 Microcontroller With 7 Segment Display Hello everyone, In this tutorial we are going to tell you about how to count from 0 to 99 using two 7 segment display. Step 1: Software Used: As we…
Keypad Interface With 8051 and Displaying Keypad Numbers in 7 Segment In this tutorial I'm going to tell you about how we can interface keypad with 8051 and displaying keypad numbers in 7 segment display Step 1: Software Used As we…
SPEED INDICATOR CIRCUITS TACHOMETER ATMEL ATMEGA8 Atmel ATmega series of projects have been realized with the speedometer and LCD display are the different indicators used circuits. Display circuit used Used atmega8l-8P. Hex file and prepared by…
AT89S52 8051 RF DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL Wireless within a certain area with a control circuit for controlling the speed of DC Motor. Work, should I use to reach my goal I began to identify materials. These…
89C51 8051 VOLTMETER THERMOMETER DS1621 ADC0808 ADC 0808 standard data acquisition systems many components on a single chip host is a member of ADC 0808 8-bit flip makes the process and addresses from input latch 8-channel…
CALCULATION OF BODY LENGTH WITH 8051 AND DS89C430 In this project, which is designed using DALLAS DS89C430 microcontroller (in simulation AT89C51RC2) circuit and a marching band, calculated on the length of the body, the LCD display was performed.…
AT89C51 8051 GRAPHIC LCD ANIMATION GLCD Animation circuit voltage is applied to the currently displayed map of Turkey comes first. Subsequently, the Turkish flag and a picture of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the next step is…
AT89C51 L293D DC MOTOR WITH DOOR CONTROL CIRCUIT The main purpose of the circuit is to control the gate of the house. This DC motor and provided with two limit switches is provided by mechanical parts. The two…
AT89C51 MICROCONTROLLER ANALOG CLOCK FOR GRAPHIC LCD Analog Clock GLCD We use 128×64 pixel graphical LCD having “HY-12864K” is. This adds the file extension of the LCD connections are provided in PDF. 128 × 64 graphic LCD…
AT89C51 ANIMATED BMP GRAPHIC LCD DISPLAY AT89C51 microcontroller controlled Animated BMP project usnig Graphic LCD Display 128×64 project keil source code and proteus isis simulation schematic files Graphic LCD Animated BMP Schematic project files: at89c51-animated-bmp-graphic-lcd-display.rar author:…
8051 PS2 KEYBOARD WITH LCD WRITING TEXT PS / 2 protocol used text via a keyboard microcontroller applications that perform printing text on the LCD The goal here Text via keyboard microcontroller to print text on the…
8051 ROBOT ARM STEPPER MOTOR CONTROL In this 8051 Robot ARM application I use for robot arm 3 stepper motor design, study and is to be informed about the expulsion. Stepping motors to provide work, applied…
8051 ELEVATOR PROJECT STEPPER MOTOR CONTROL This application step (step) motor control, input and output ports through 8051 will examine the circuit by providing lift. We use our stepper motor circuit. As we know, certain steps…
AT89C51 L293D MOTOR CONTROL PROJECT AT89C51 L293D Motor Control Circuit Operation, Our project name and the name suggests. The treadmill is the motor control is required. When designing this project, I saw fit to use…
AT89C51 5X7 LED MATRIX APPLICATION Circuit Operation: This practice of over 5 × 7 matrix LED A… Z characters are intended to be created. Provision of characters in source code LEDs (table) was created and…
AT89C51 LCD DISPLAY FREQUENCYMETER PROJECT Frequency in all matters relating to the definition based on frequency is required. In the same way the numeric (digital) Frequency frequency to do the same as the description of…
AT89C51 KEYPAD CONTROLLED SCROLLING LED DOT MATRIX TEXT AT89C51 Scrolling LED Circuit Operation: Keypad’t the values entered the program through is continually monitored, “*” key is pressed unless the display of the first letter that section required all…
AT89S52 LCD DISPLAY STEPPER MOTOR CONTROL EXAMPLE AT89S52 Stepper Motor Control Stepper motor, the motor angular position is changing in steps. This engine is moving into specific steps, according to the windings is controlled by sending signals.…
8051 CALCULATOR CIRCUIT 8051 Calculator Circuit Operation As seen at half one has to use the keypad and an LCD with 8051. The keypad consists of rows and columns. When the button is…
8051 ADC0808 LCD DISPLAY VOLTMETER ADC0808 analog / digital converter of the 8 analog inputs (IN0-IN7) and 8-bit digital output (OUT0-OUT7) are available. Entries will be transferred to the digital output of the converter which…
LED DISPLAY SPEED METER CIRCUIT WITH AT89C51 Speed Meter Circuit consists of four parts. These Supply solid floor Sensor sensor, microcontroller and microcontroller solid hexadecimal numbers we obtained from the 7-segment display technology with time code converter…
8051 STOPWATCH CIRCUIT WITH LCD DISPLAY Stopwatch Circuit 8051 on behalf of the programming of integrated compiler program that is used too much in the present case. You are left with only the easiest to use…
AT89C51 DS1621 THERMOMETER CIRCUIT AT89C51 Operation of the thermometer circuit DS1621 temperature sensor circuit using a digital thermometer will tell if I made . As a simple circuit operation is as follows; The numerical…
AT89C2051 WITH DOT MATRIX DISPLAY APPLICATIONS 4 Piece AT89C2051 microcontroller project has been realized with matrix display isis proteus simulation and asm files available in hex code Atmel AT89C2051 • Compatible with MCS®-51Products • 2K Bytes…
8051 PROGRAMMABLE POWER SUPPLY Circuit Operation: Circuit diagram appears in the 0-5 the entered value from the keypad circuit, which is connected to port P1 applied to the integrated DAC 0808 DAC output is…
DS1302 RTC 8051 DIGITAL CLOCK CIRCUIT (LCD DISPLAY) 8051 keil example application circuit LCD Display Digital Clock using DS1302 RTC 8051 Digital Clock Schematic 8051 Digital Clock Circuit keil source code and proteus isis simulation schematic files: ds1302-rtc-8051-digital-clock-circuit-lcd-display.rar…
89C51 DIGITAL CLOCK CIRCUIT From the incoming data encoded in Port0 integrated 7-segment display with 7447 microcontroller integrated ulaşır.7447 binary code from the 7-segment display is used to show. So when it comes to…
AT89S52 DS1620 THERMOMETER CIRCUIT (LCD DISPLAY) This project gave ds1620’n given as a result of the digitally using AT89S52 microcontroller is a graphic display of temperature information of the LCD screen. Moreover, the circuit ambient temperature…
LCD DATE TIME TEMPERATURE AT89C52 DS18B20 DS1302 Atmel microcontrollers with a good example for the use of DS18B20 DS1302 circuit 2 × 16 LCD display with 4 buttons in circuit adjustments can be made The first button…
8051 MICROCONTROLLER UP DOWN COUNTER CIRCUIT (KEIL) With 8051 DOWN COUNTER The basic principle of this circuit based on the number entered from the keypad is left counting down or up. # On the keypad to make…
ADC0831 8051 LM35 TEMPERATURE CONTROL WITH LCD SCREEN Adc 0831 with 8051 lm 35 temperature sensor, and a detailed project examples for the use of inverters. author :Özer Deniz Objective: LM 35 temperature sensor dealt with 0831 ADC…
DIGITAL AUDIO CONTROL CIRCUIT NOKIA 3310 LCD ATMEL ATMEGA8 TDA7439 My old chassis while stirring an old stereo on the chassis tda7439 found it and integrate these with making an application decided and ultimately such a nice application appeared application…
ATMEL ATMEGA PROJECTS THERMOMETER LM35, DISPLAY, KEYPAD Atmel ATMEGA series made with micro-controller’s three projects which can deliver projects bahramelectronic. site manager of @ Bahrain thanks to my brother. 1 – ATMega16 LCD display temperature measurement (LM35)…
AT89C52 APPLICATIONS EXAMPLES PROTEUS ISIS CIRCUITS (10 PROJECTS) AT89C52 examples of applications can be helpful for beginners of all samples prepared with simple 3 .5 source lines of code. Bass. Hex, bin, etc.. isis proteus have codes and…
NOKIA LCD MODELS PROTEUS ISIS EXAMPLES CIRCUITS LIBRARY Nokia lcd screens, pic, atmel microcontrollers used in this project, with a lot of other job so popular as talking about the proteus simulation model for the program, set up…
RGB LED EXAMPLE CIRCUIT ATMEGA88 ATMEGA8 ATMEGA48 White LEDs, blue LEDs, ultra bright LEDs RGB LEDs saying quite a lot in the sample application with popular microcontrollers are used in this circuit, atmega8 ATMEGA48 Atmega88 ATmega output…
SIM900 MODULE PCB AVR APPLICATIONS Simcom Sim900 GSM module produced by the company prepared for the PCB module and ATMEGA32 microcontroller based on Nokia 3310 lcd display GSM module for remote control application SIM900D (place…
MULTI-FUNCTION DIGITAL WRISTWATCH CIRCUIT ATMEL ATMEGA168PA Digital clock project PCB design is very good and prepared and used according to the coffers of small metal wristwatch. Except for a few digital Wristwatch circuit material including all…
AUTOMATIC FEEDING MACHINE WITH CD-ROM MECHANIC For the author, the automatic feeding machine for the wedge is the easiest mechanical part for the application. they insert a plastic container all of which is placed on the…
Keypad Door Lock using AVR Microcontroller – Atmega16 Password Based Keypad Door Lock In this article, a digitally secured lock based on password verification is explained. The system uses a seven segment display array to show the password,…
ATmega16 Analog-Looking Digital Clock Project Atmega16 microcontroller in our circuit monitor 7 inch in size. Screen “3 inch” or “4 inch” may be, it doesn’t matter. We have the biggest screen by controlling the foot…
Servo Motor Control by Using AVR ATmega32 Microcontroller Servo motors are a type of electromechanical actuators that do not rotate continuously like DC/AC or stepper motors, rather they used to position and hold some object. They are used…
Password based door locking system Password based door locking system, uses Matrix keypad to enter the password, This project is extended to operate on IR Remote RC-604, In this project all required data is given…
Fingerprint based security system This AVR microcontroller based project demonstrates Finger print based access control / security system, in this project we have provided all required data, PCB, Code, Circuit Diagram, Proteus Simulation. This…
Token number display system using microcontroller Bank token number display project is build using ATmega8 Microcontroller and ULN2003 for driving large LED display, PCB layout, Circuit diagram are self explanatory. It is capable to display three…
Stepper motor control with an ATmega8 microcontroller This note provides basic implementation details and procedural information to design and assemble a stepper motor system. The controller discussed here is the ATmel mega8, an 8-bit microcontroller (MCU). The…
Blinking LED using Atmega32 Microcontroller and Atmel Studio Similar to printing ‘Hello World’ in C or C++, the very first step towards programming a microcontroller is Blinking a LED with a delay. Atmega32 is a very popular high…
AVR 16bit Stereo Wave Player Introduction This project aims to implement a cost-effective wave player based on AVR (ATmega / ATiny Series) with CD-Audio Quality, which can play 8-bit/16-bit Mono/Stereo standard RIFF (Resource Interchange File…
AVR LCD menu routine using ATmega8 microcontroller Lets have some practice and write simple AVR LCD menu routine. For this we need to write LCD control library. I decided not to use one from AVRLIB. LCD controlling…
Simplified AVR LCD routines using ATmega8 microcontroller Controlling numeric LCD isn't so tricky as it may look like. O course you can find numbers of LCD libraries. One of more universal you can find in AVRLIB library…
Simple signal drawing on graphical LCD routines using Atmega8 microcontroller During spare time I have been playing with graphical LCD. This time I decided to display simple signals that are stored in microcontroller memory. The idea was to read signal…
Programming AVR ADC module with WinAVR using Atmega8 microcontroller Most of AVR microcontrollers have Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) integrated in to chip. Such solution makes embedded designers life much easier when creating projects and programming them. With no…
PCB Exposure Box with Countdown timer using ATMEGA8 microcontroller Tired of spending hours and hours in wire soldering? Do your circuits look ugly and you are looking for a way to produce professional-like PCBs? Then you had better try…
Color Sensor Circuit with AT89S52 ADC0808 This color of the surface color to red when you bring to the surface, a sensor to read the LDR, yellow, blue.Red, yellow and blue lights in different surface finishes…
LCD Date Time Application using AT89S52 microcontroller This application can be installed at the same time an alarm indicating the date and time produced by Atmel with 8051 -based microcontroller AT89S52 tasarlanmıştır. Uygulamamızın using the Keil compiler…
Dot Matrix Display Applications using AT89C2051 microcontroller 4 Piece AT89C2051 micro-controller matrix display has a project carried out with proteus isis simulation and has asm hex code files Atmel AT89C2051 • Compatible with MCS ®-51Products • 2K Bytes of…
Stepper motor Control with Atmega16 With this project you can control a unipolar stepper motor. You can control both the speed and the direction of the motor. The speed and direction and can changed with…
Simple calculator using avr microcontroller Atmega16 Here's a simple calculator with the Atmega16 microcontroller. It have an LCD display and a 4x4 keypad. You can also download the proteus simulation file on the downloads Bascom Code…
DC Motor Speed Control using PWM This project gives a speed control of DC motor through PWM method. The Dc motor is derived by the L298 driver IC. You can also control the direction of the…
Thermometer with Clock using ATmega16 This project will display the temperature and time over the LCD display. LM35 is used to sense the temperature and the analog out of the LM35 is converted to digital…
Scientific Calculator using AVR Microcontroller This project gives you a nice and simple scientific calculator using AVR microcontroller. It has 2 keypads as shown in the circuit diagram and the results are shown on the…
Traffic light controller using avr microcontroller Here's a traffic light controller using avr microcontroller. It can be adopted for a four way road. The code is written in Codevision C. You can download the C code…
DS1307 based Clock using lcd This project gives you a real time clock with the RTC chip DS1307. This RTC chip has inbuilt oscillator for clock and it has its own registers for full calender.…
Thermometer using DS1621 and Nokia 3310 LCD interfaced with ATmega8 I am presenting one application with the Nokia 3310 LCD: Designing a thermometer using DS1621 temperature sensor IC. DS1621 is 8-pin sensor from Maxim, with temp range of -55 to…
4×4 Matrix Key-board Interfacing with ATmega32 Here is a project for beginners to interface a 16-key (4x4) keypad with ATmega32 using 8-pins i.e. one port of the microcontroller. This is useful particularly where we need more…
NOKIA 3310 LCD interfacing with ATmega8 Using graphic LCD in a project gives it really a good look and flexibility of displaying different characters and shapes. But, the graphic LCDs are quite costly. The NOKIA 3310…