Password based door locking system, uses Matrix keypad to enter the password, This project is extended to operate on IR Remote RC-604, In this project all required data is given Circuit diagram, C code, PCB design and All related data, This project is based on AVR Atmega8 Microcontroller.
1. You can enter password through Keypad or IR Remote
2. Low Cost
3. Simple to design
4. Operates Two relays One for Buzzer and Another for Operating Motor
Step 1: Major Components Required
2. Relays, Switches
4. LM7805
5. BC548
6. 16×2 LCD Display
Download Requires Files
1. Download Proteus Simulation Circuit Diagram (you can try proteus simulation of this project)
#include <avr/io.h> #include <string.h> #include <avr/eeprom.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include "remote.h" unsigned char u8_data; //LCD connections #define E PD7 #define RS PB0 #define Relay PB3 //Relay1 #define Relay1 PB4 //Relay1 //Decleration void display(char string[16]); void displaybyte(char D); void dispinit(void); void cleardisplay(void); void line1(void); void line2(void); void epulse(void); void delay_ms(unsigned int de); void PasswordNotOK(); void PasswordNotOK1(); char KeyCheck(); char mystr[6]; char Password[3]; int main(void) { DDRB = 0b00011011; //LCD port direction DDRD = 0b11011001; //LCD port direction DDRC = 0b00011010; //Key Pad PORTC= 0b11111111; //Activate internal pullups for keypad PORTD |=(1<<PD1); // PORTB |=(1<<Relay); delay_ms(500); //Initiaize LCD dispinit(); delay_ms(200); line1(); uint8_t cmd=0; RemoteInit(); display(" Password "); line2(); display(" Access "); cleardisplay(); line1(); char Key,cnt; cnt=0; Key=KeyCheck(); if(Key==11) { //Get Old Password line1(); display("Enter Old Pass: "); line2(); cnt=0; while(1) { Key = KeyCheck(); //cmd=GetRemoteCmd(0); //displaybyte(cmd+48); delay_ms(100); if((Key != 15) && (cnt<4) && (Key !=11) && (Key !=12)) { //line1(); //displaybyte(Key+48); //Display Passsword displaybyte(0x2A); //"*" Display '*' Instead of password Password[cnt]=Key; cnt++; } if(Key==11) //Cancel Key { cnt=0; PasswordNotOK1(); } if(((Key !=15)) && (cnt==4)) { if(Key==12) //OK Key { //Verify password if(eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)4)==Password[0]) { if(eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)5)==Password[1]) { if(eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)6)==Password[2]) { if(eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)7)==Password[3]) { //PasswordOK cleardisplay(); line1(); display(" Enter New "); line2(); display("Password:"); while(1) { Key = KeyCheck(); delay_ms(100); if((Key != 15) && (cnt<4)) { //line1(); displaybyte(Key+48); Password[cnt]=Key; cnt++; } if((Key !=15) && (cnt==4)) { if(Key==12) //OK Key { cleardisplay(); line1(); display("Password Changed"); eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)4,Password[0]); eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)5,Password[1]); eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)6,Password[2]); eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)7,Password[3]); delay_ms(2000); cleardisplay(); break; } if(Key==11) //Cancel Key { cleardisplay(); break; } } } //} //========= cleardisplay(); line1(); display("Enter Password:"); line2(); cnt=0; } else { cnt=0; //PORTB |= (1<<Relay1); PasswordNotOK1(); } } else { cnt=0; //PORTB |= (1<<Relay1); PasswordNotOK1(); } } else { cnt=0; //PORTB |= (1<<Relay1); PasswordNotOK1(); } } else { cnt=0; //PORTB |= (1<<Relay1); PasswordNotOK1(); } } if(Key==11) //Cancel Key { cleardisplay(); line1(); display("Enter Old Pass: "); line2(); cnt=0; } } } } //---------------- line1(); display("Enter Password:"); line2(); cnt=0; while(1) { Key = KeyCheck(); cmd=GetRemoteCmd(0); //displaybyte(cmd+48); delay_ms(100); if((cnt<4) && (cmd !=10) && (cmd !=25) && (cmd !=255)) { //line1(); //displaybyte(cmd+48); displaybyte(0x2A); //"*" Password[cnt]=cmd; cnt++; } if((Key != 15) && (cnt<4) && (Key !=11) && (Key !=12)) { //line1(); //displaybyte(Key+48); displaybyte(0x2A); //"*" Password[cnt]=Key; cnt++; } if(Key==11 || cmd==10) //Cancel Key { cnt=0; PasswordNotOK(); } if(((Key !=15) || (cmd==25)) && (cnt==4)) { if(Key==12 || cmd==25) //OK Key { //Verify password if(eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)4)==Password[0]) { if(eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)5)==Password[1]) { if(eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)6)==Password[2]) { if(eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)7)==Password[3]) { //PasswordOK cleardisplay(); PORTB |=(1<<Relay); line1(); display("Open The Door"); delay_ms(4000); cleardisplay(); //Operate Relay PORTB &=~(1<<Relay); line1(); display("Enter Password:"); line2(); cnt=0; } else { cnt=0; PORTB |= (1<<Relay1); PasswordNotOK(); } } else { cnt=0; PORTB |= (1<<Relay1); PasswordNotOK(); } } else { cnt=0; PORTB |= (1<<Relay1); PasswordNotOK(); } } else { cnt=0; PORTB |= (1<<Relay1); PasswordNotOK(); } } if(Key==11) //Cancel Key { cleardisplay(); line1(); display("Enter Password:"); line2(); cnt=0; } } } } void PasswordNotOK() { cleardisplay(); line1(); display(" Incorrect "); line2(); display(" Password "); delay_ms(2000); cleardisplay(); line1(); display("Enter Password:"); line2(); PORTB &=~ (1<<Relay1); } void PasswordNotOK1() { cleardisplay(); line1(); display(" Incorrect "); line2(); display(" Password "); delay_ms(2000); cleardisplay(); line1(); display("Enter Old Pass: "); line2(); } char KeyCheck() { char KeyCode; KeyCode=15; //Scan 1 PORTC &=~(1<<PC1); PORTC |=(1<<PC3); PORTC |=(1<<PC4); PORTD |=(1<<PD0); if((PIND & 0x02)==0x00) { KeyCode=3; while((PIND & 0x02)==0x00); } if((PINC & 0x04)==0x00) { KeyCode=2; while((PINC & 0x04)==0x00); } if((PINC & 0x20)==0x00) { KeyCode=1; while((PINC & 0x20)==0x00); } //Scan 2 PORTC |=(1<<PC1); PORTC &=~(1<<PC3); PORTC |=(1<<PC4); PORTD |=(1<<PD0); if((PIND & 0x02)==0x00) { KeyCode=6; while((PIND & 0x02)==0x00); } if((PINC & 0x04)==0x00) { KeyCode=5; while((PINC & 0x04)==0x00); } if((PINC & 0x20)==0x00) { KeyCode=4; while((PINC & 0x20)==0x00); } //Scan 3 PORTC |=(1<<PC1); PORTC |=(1<<PC3); PORTC &=~(1<<PC4); PORTD |=(1<<PD0); if((PIND & 0x02)==0x00) { KeyCode=9; while((PIND & 0x02)==0x00); } if((PINC & 0x04)==0x00) { KeyCode=8; while((PINC & 0x04)==0x00); } if((PINC & 0x20)==0x00) { KeyCode=7; while((PINC & 0x20)==0x00); } //Scan 4 PORTC |=(1<<PC1); PORTC |=(1<<PC3); PORTC |=(1<<PC4); PORTD &=~(1<<PD0); if((PIND & 0x02)==0x00) { KeyCode=12; while((PIND & 0x02)==0x00); } if((PINC & 0x04)==0x00) { KeyCode=0; while((PINC & 0x04)==0x00); } if((PINC & 0x20)==0x00) { KeyCode=11; while((PINC & 0x20)==0x00); } return KeyCode; } void display(char string[16]) { int len,count; len = strlen(string); for (count=0;count<len;count++) { displaybyte(string[count]); } } void displaybyte(char D) { char D1; D1=D; D1=D1 & 0xF0; D1=D1 >> 4; //Send MSB PORTD = PORTD & (0b10100011); PORTB = PORTB & (0b11111101); PORTD |= ((D1 & 0x01) << 6); //PORTD |= ((D1 & 0x02) << 1); PORTB |= ((D1 & 0x02)); PORTD |= ((D1 & 0x04) << 2); PORTD |= (D1 & 0x08); epulse(); D1=D; D1=D1 & 0x0F; //Send LSB PORTD = PORTD & (0b10100011); PORTB = PORTB & (0b11111101); PORTD |= ((D1 & 0x01) << 6); //PORTD |= ((D1 & 0x02) << 1); PORTB |= ((D1 & 0x02)); PORTD |= ((D1 & 0x04) << 2); PORTD |= (D1 & 0x08); epulse(); } void dispinit(void) { int count; char init[]={0x43,0x03,0x03,0x02,0x28,0x01,0x0C,0x06,0x02,0x02}; PORTB &= ~(1<<RS); // RS=0 for (count = 0; count <= 9; count++) { displaybyte(init[count]); } PORTB |= 1<<RS; //RS=1 } void cleardisplay(void) { PORTB &= ~(1<<RS); // RS=0 displaybyte(0x01); PORTB |= 1<<RS; //RS=1 } void line1(void) { PORTB &= ~(1<<RS); // RS=0 displaybyte(0x80); PORTB |= 1<<RS; //RS=1 } void line2(void) { PORTB &= ~(1<<RS); // RS=0 displaybyte(0xC0); PORTB |= 1<<RS; //RS=1 } void epulse(void) { PORTD |= 1<<E; delay_ms(1); PORTD &= ~(1<<E); delay_ms(1); } void delay_ms(unsigned int de) { unsigned int rr,rr1; for (rr=0;rr<de;rr++) { for(rr1=0;rr1<700;rr1++) //395 { asm("nop"); } } } Step 5: Test the code and Hardware 1. 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