This application can be installed at the same time an alarm indicating the date and time produced by Atmel with 8051 -based microcontroller AT89S52 tasarlanmıştır. Uygulamamızın using the Keil compiler using the C programming language using codes written in different types of intervention. Proteus simulation of the application program, Isis has been part of the program and the printed circuit board of Proteus Ares still drawn.
If we mention briefly the work of the application that is connected to port P0 mikrodenetleyicimizin 3-key and 5-button operation to be selected. For example, if the alarm is to be installed after the boost switch that is connected to P0_7’e Increase the key is to be switched off and the minute, hour by pressing the alarm buttons installed. The alarm was installed at the top of the circuit-sary and connected to P2_4 pin LED will light up. This allows the user to set the alarm circuit remote observing Sheddadis understand. Automatic and manual reset of the circuit are the two kinds.
Timer / sayıcı0 (T0), automatic loading (mode2) mode counting the value of 100 corresponds to the board-solidated and has every 10,000 count 1 sec. Later, a second increase control by traveling minute hour, day, month, and year values increased.
Year or month is changed automatically varies day. Changing these values are shown on the LCD 2 x 16 to the text. Than 10 s first line of the LCD text in a range of values.
Text on the LCD can be seen in Figure 2 × 16. Today, LCDs are used in the standardized principles of operation and end connections. The LCD will read and write data from external data was delivered out of the data path between rebilmesini provides D0-D7.
The end of the number 1 to work on the LCD (VSS) and 2 end of frame (VDD) +5 volt supply voltage pin of the LCD image sharpness setting the number verilir.3 (contrast) is used for. In addition, register select (RS, Selected Register) end of the 8-bit data girişilerinden information, determines that it is a character code, or command. (RS = 0 data – RS = 1 command) Read / Write (R / W Read / Write) bit LCD to be used for data transfer or read data on the LCD. (R / W = 1, the data read operation R / W = 0, the process is carried out veriyazma.) Entitlement (E, Enable) bit operations for the realization of the desired logic level 1 established a single bit entry.
EA (External accsess): microcontroller (AT89S52) 31 The three terminal active low level. Or +5 volt supply voltage is connected to the chassis. +5 Volts is connected to the built-in software programs, external memory is connected to the chassis rum works.
For more detail: LCD Date Time Application using AT89S52 microcontroller