For the author, the automatic feeding machine for the wedge is the easiest mechanical part for the application. they insert a plastic container all of which is placed on the CD present on the… Electronics Projects, Automatic Feeding Machine With CD-ROM Mechanic “avr project, microcontroller projects, “
For the author, the automatic feeding machine for the wedge is the easiest mechanical part for the application. they insert a plastic container all of which is placed on the CD present on the CD-ROM and put the ready-made cat here.
Attiny13 Automatic feeding circuit A simple driver circuit is used for engine control based on the Attiny13 microcontroller. The operating voltage of the feeding circuit is 9v Attiny13 supply 78L05 regulator provided with the project’s proteus simulation scheme, source codevision avr c, hex code files are available.
When the over voltage is applied, the D2 LED flashes. By pressing the button briefly, the sled opening time can be selected as 12, 24, 36, 48 hours. The time setting is indicated by led: 12 hours, 2 times 24, 3 times – 36, led light without pause. Pressing the button for a long time, if necessary, opens or closes the rails. This does not affect the Timing setting.
Timer ready modules are sold more easily to control the application. This circuit can be done by using CD-ROM mechanism with different circuit, devices and automatic feeding system.