GLCD Animation circuit voltage is applied to the currently displayed map of Turkey comes first. Subsequently, the Turkish flag and a picture of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the next step is to come. Art world… Electronics Projects, AT89C51 8051 Graphic LCD Animation “8051 example, avr project, keil example, microcontroller projects, “
GLCD Animation circuit voltage is applied to the currently displayed map of Turkey comes first. Subsequently, the Turkish flag and a picture of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the next step is to come. Art world will begin to come after arrival.
Circuit operation: Graphic LCD as the most important feature point-based study. So, as in LCDs text and text can be printed as well as shape can be drawn. Half-P2 as data output port ayarlanmıştır.p1_0 end graphic LCD’s CS1, CS2 end P1_1 port is connected to the graphic LCD. Graphic Lcd structure is divided into 2 sections, including the right and left.
Source: AT89C51 8051 GRAPHIC LCD ANIMATION 8051 Graphic LCD Animation proteus isis simulation schematic keil source code: 8051-graphic-lcd-animation.rar author:Avni ÇiFTÇiLER