My old chassis while stirring an old stereo on the chassis tda7439 found it and integrate these with making an application decided and ultimately such a nice application appeared application If we are talking…Electronics Projects, Digital Audio Control Circuit Nokia 3310 LCD Atmel ATmega8 TDA7439″atmega8 projects, avr project, microcontroller projects, “
My old chassis while stirring an old stereo on the chassis tda7439 found it and integrate these with making an application decided and ultimately such a nice application appeared application If we are talking circuit tda7439 digital volume control operate in a supervisory ATMega8 LCD as in my hand 3310 lcd because 3310 LCDs to I used to tda7439 integrated audio from -47-0 0-30 dB and -14 dB gain – from +14 dB bass mid treble control is also balancing control. Application also has 4 stereo inputs as a single entry blank for the others. I’ve tested works very well integrated with the LM3886 and the setting is doing.
Half the sets LCD screen bars terraces can be seen in the 2nd row are in which the value appears to be controlled also, which bar is active arrow is indicated by the circuit control menu + – + – and mute keys, and also philips rc5 compatible control is provided by my hand vestel tv remote control rc5 is compatible. I used to protkol rc5 is saved to EEPROM values remain constant for.
On-board jumper with LCD display snapped and normally you can use the jumper setting circuit operation should be done before. Otherwise the circuit will not affect the ATmega8 to program the circuit isp connector is located half güçkaynag while connected to the simple parallel port programmer and you can program the program ATmega8 75% of the vicinity memory fills .
Atmega8’İ from Karaköy 4 pounds in 3310 for $ 3 from the LCD. Spare parts salesman bought the simulation of the circuit and printed circuit board or upper version can open proteus7.5. You can also download the application circuit test video free WinAVR C compiler with the code I wrote is available in the open source project.
Digital Audio Control Circuit All source files ares proteus pcb, diagram, model libraries, source code: digital-audio-control-circuit-nokia-3310-lcd-atmel-atmega8-tda7439.rar