Taipei, Taiwan (PRWEB) October 22, 2004
IAdea’s iFoto standalone photo CD recorder, which has been licensed to the Procare eFoto product, wins the Bronze Award of the Audio/Video Section of the HKEIA Award for Outstanding Innovation and Technology Products at the 2004 Hong Kong Electronics Fair.
The iFoto solution utilizes IAdea’s ARM-based EDP405 Enhanced Digital Photography processor and is licensed under through IAdea’s ODL Service. With just one touch of a button, the iFoto solution automatically authors a high-resolution (DVD resolution) Video CD from photos contained in any memory card. The Video CD disc can then be kept as a photo album and played back in a standard DVD player. This function simplifies digital photo maintenance and makes the CD-RW a true consumer-accessible technology.
Procare International Co., Ltd. is the first licensee of the iFoto technology through IAdea’s ODL programs. “We have been shipping samples to U.S. and European channels. We are working with several major brands on exclusive distribution rights in various territories,” says Managing Director Jean Lee of Procare.
The award was presented on October 14th at the 2004 Hong Kong Electronics Fair. The fair, with over 2,020 exhibitors enlised for 2004 and 48,291 buyers recorded in 2003, is now the world’s second largest tradeshow of its kind. The Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association, or HKEIA, presents the HKEIA Award for Outstanding Innovation and Technology Products in cooperation with the show each year. From over a thousand entrants, three medalists are chosen for each of the personal electronics, audio/video, and wireless/security & others sections.
IAdea licenses various technologies, including the iFoto solution, through its ODL service. For information, contact IAdea.
Complete coverage by HKEIA:
About IAdea
IAdea Corporation is the pioneer and promoter of the ODL (original design licensing) business model. It provides innovative consumer electronics product designs and licenses them through ODL to manufacturers worldwide. IAdea owns numerous patents and has a team of experts specialized in consumer product design, embedded operating systems, circuit design, and user interface design. Visit our website at and learn about your ODL opportunities.
The Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association Limited (formerly known as The Hong Kong Electronics Association Limited) is a non-profit making trade body dedicated to the betterment of the electronics industry by representing the collective views of the industry, oppose unfair trade practices or barriers which may harm the well-being of the industry and its traders and to provide a forum for Hong Kong traders and manufacturers to promote business and cooperation with other overseas traders and manufacturers.
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