- Measure something: add a sensor to a microcontroller board that you have designed and read it.
Some of the Features of ATMEGA 328 are
- 1.8-5.5V operating range
- Up to 20MHz
- 32kB Flash program memory
- 2kB Internal SRAM
- Two 8-bit Timer/Counters
- One 16-bit Timer/Counter
- RTC with separate oscillator
- 6 PWM Channels
- 8 Channel 10-bit ADC
- Serial USART
- Master/Slave SPI interface
- 2-wire (I2C) interface
- Watchdog timer
- Analog comparator
- Data retention: 20 years at 85C/ 100 years at 25C
- 23 IO lines
I designed ATMEGA 328 board in EAGLE. The design files are available here
The Soldering process was difficult because the traces were minute,next time I decided to go for a better design.
Breakout board for PIR sensor
In order to connect an LED and PIR sensor I have designed a breakout board which has red led and 499 ohm resistor
The schematic and board screenshots are provided above.It can be seen that there is a provision for led,resistor,pin header thats all.This circuit makes the job simpler.
Read More: Input Devices