You’ll be the talk of the town when you wear this obnoxious, oversized, completely impractical wristwatch. Display your favourite foul language, song lyrics, prime numbers, etc. Inspired by the Microreader kit, I decided to make a giant watch using similar sixteen segment displays.
Twelve hours later, I came out of my masochistic fugue and stopped trying to route a sixteen bit data bus on a single sided pcb small enough to wear on your wrist.
Returning to my digikey box of mystery, I came up with a four character display made up of 5×7 led matrices. 7 bit parallel data input, no need for umpteen current limiting resistors, upper and lower case characters, the rest writes itself.
This instructable is not meant to be a tutorial on creating PCBs or programming PICs. In all fairness, I wouldn’t actually recommend that anyone try to make one of these. If you know enough to follow along, you can probably do a better job than I did. If you don’t know what’s going on, then this instructable isn’t going to teach you all you need to know.
P.S. If you use this to scroll internet catchphrases in public, you are a bad person and should be ashamed.
For more detail: Programmable watch with four character display