Prometheus makes real circuit boards in just minutes. When we’re prototyping, we need a tool that can give us nearly instant feedback – not feedback that comes in a few week’s time in the form of a PCB delivery. Let the PCB manufacturers make the hundreds or thousands of boards for your production run – not your prototypes. If production is your goal, Prometheus will help get you there faster.
The most unique mechanical part of Prometheus is the custom-designed spindle. This spindle’s incredible specs set it apart – 45,000 RPM and a static Total Indicated Runout (TIR) of less than 2.5 microns (.0001 inches), measured 10 mm below the spindle bearing. TIR is important because it determines the minimum bit diameter we can run. Too much runout (wobble) and a micro end mill will just snap instead of milling copper as intended. Prometheus can reliably run bits as small as .007 inches in diameter, so you can use – with few exceptions – any surface mount components in your designs – not just “giant” SOIC packages. This is a major differentiator with what’s available in our price class today. Our specs bring Prometheus close to the level of the other “professional grade” machines out there that cost more than $8,000 (and in some ways, Prometheus even surpasses them).
Circuit Factory Design Software
The primary purpose of PCB software is to help you create a picture of the copper layout. Making that picture with the free tools available can be painful. We need a machine that is a pleasure to use. Great software is key! We made our own software called Circuit Factory that makes designing a PCB easy so you can try your ideas out quickly, and it works seamlessly with Prometheus.
For more detail: Prometheus: Circuit Boards in Minutes