The APDuino project is for those want to use an Arduino to run a custom sensor monitoring and automation projects (such as aquaponics, greenhouse, gardening DIY automation) without having to program any code. [ via ] Main features and characteristics: free, ready-to-flash software for Arduino Mega 2560 + W5100 EtherShield hardware combo supports a number of analog and digital Sensor and Control components in any custom (electronically valid) layout on the Arduino pins, allowing building Your Own Automation System custom Rules for automation, allowing Sensor and Control data access, scheduler, timers and more, allowing Your Custom Program to be created, without programming data logging on SD card and online sinks (cosm, thingspeak, apduino online), allowing to Hook Your Automation System to the Internet-Of-Things and Web 2.0 services, eg.
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Arduino Sensor Monitoring Without Coding