Color Changing Mood Lamp

Get in the mood with some fairly simple ATTiny85 based DIY color shifting lamps!

Step 1: Materials

  1. Saw
  2. Drill
  3. Sheet of wood
  4. Wood screws
  5. Various hole cutter bits
  6. 6″ Acrylic Cupcake / CAKE / Centerpiece Tube Extension (for diffusing the light)
  7. Sandpaper
  8. 2 Watt 10 Ohm Metal Film Resistor (qty 3)
  9. Protoboard
  10. Your preference for on off switch (I used the rocker switches in the attached picture)
  11. ULN2003AN (High-Voltage High-Current Darlington Transistor Array)
  12. 3W RGB Color High Power LED Light Common Anode with 20mm Star Heatsink
  13. ATTiny85 (and some means of transferring a sketch to it)
  14. 5v 2W power supply
  15. Wire
  16. Basic soldering equipment (solder, solder iron, wire cutters\strippers, etc)
  17. Hot glue gun
  18. 4 rubber feet

Color Changing Mood Lamp

Step 2: Step 2: Build Your Box

You can build or buy your box as you desire. If you build your box I recommend the following dimensions.
Top and Bottom of the box should be 8×5 inches
Front and Back of the box should be 8×3 inches (Box will be 3 + 2*X inches tall where X is the width of your wood)
The two end pieces should be (5 – 2*X)x3 inches where X is the width of your wood. (the end pieces will be as wide as your bottom piece minus the width of the front and back pieces)
Sand all edges
Assemble bottom, front, back and both edge pieces and hold them together with wood screws.
Align and drill your pilot holes for the top piece to be secured later.

For more detail: Color Changing Mood Lamp

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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