A while back I picked up a SparkFun 128×64 LCD and an Adafruit 66-channel GPS module to have a go at making a GPS clock.The great thing about setting the time and date via GPS is that I won’t have to put any buttons on the clock. It’ll set itself, and appear to be completely autonomous.
By removing the buttons needed for entering menus and setting the time and date, I can hopefully make the clock that much smaller. Ideally, I don’t want it to be any bigger than the display itself. In addition, shaving a half inch or so off the PCB should save a few bucks when it comes to getting the PCB made.
I finally had a go at trying both the LCD and the GPS module today.
I figured out how to talk to the 128×64 LCD display. It’s orders of magnitude harder to talk to than a standard 16×2 LCD. The library is way more complex. It took a few hours to wrap my head around the basics, but I got it.
For more detail: GPS Clock Prototyping