The EasyDownloader V 1.1 , a Flash Writer for 89C2051/4051 which was designedby Wichit Sirichote, used a Double-SidePCB. I think, it’s difficult to make my ownPCB by myself. So that I decided to design a Single-SidePCB instead. My first prototype board wasmade using hand-writing with a permanent ink pen( see later in Figure 3).This page however, thus provides a PCB layout and components placementwritten by Paint Program. So simple, but it works fine. Everyone can makeit easily. If you’ve got problem or any suggestion, please sendit to my e-mail address shown above.
Don’t forget, you must connect jumper wires on a bottom of PCB: pin12-19 of the writer(89c2051) to pin 12-19 of the ZIF Socket, respectively
For more detail: MakeYour Own Single-Side PCB for Easy-Downloader V1.1 using AT89C2051