MicroPython PCF8591 DACtest

I bought this book to improve my Micropython-skills: MicroPython for ESP8266 Development Workshop by Agus Kurniawan. This book is a very good start, the I2C project uses a PCF8591 module. But no DAC programming example so I had to figure that out by myself 🙂 .


What do we need:

– Wemos D1R2 (or D1mini) ESP8266 flashed with the latest MicroPython found here

-PCF8591 module: found here

-DMM or oscilloscope (better: this project generates a sawtooth waveform)

– Laptop or PC with Thonny IDE (or uPyCraft ) -USB cable to connect the D1R2 to the computer

Step 1: Preparing the PCF8591 Module , Flash WemosD1R2 With MicroPython

Before testing I inspected the module and found the A0 adress connection unwired and present on the input connector. My script uses adress 72(decimal) so this pin must be connected to GND.

See Datasheet for all info. The picture shows the purple wire connecting GND and A0.

The Wemos D1R2 must be flashed with MicroPython. Ahmed Nouira did a fantastic job and explained everything here. Working with Micropython can be done via the REPL and a terminal emulator but it’s easier with an IDE: I use Thonny IDE on Linux .

All info on Thonny IDE is found here. The RNT blog explains also how to use uPyCraft, another IDE for Windows users ( I tried but my old Linuxlaptop didn’t buy uPyCraft …).

Step 2: Connecting the D1R2 to the PCF8591

I removed all jumpers from the PCF8591 module, they connect the pot, LDR, thermistor to the inputs and the analog output to a LED. If the DAC output is loaded with a 10k resistor it will make the output drop so why putting a LED there?

Here’s the Wiring list:

WemosD1R2 PCF8591

3V3 Vcc




make sure the jumper wire is connected A0 to GND if you try my (silly) script 🙂

Step 3: Load Script and Testing

If you’re using Thonny IDE you can download DAC.py and DAC1.py, and load them into the D1R2

for testing. If You’re using the REPL enter line by line, it’s a very easy and short script.

DAC.py is a simple sawtooth generator ( verify by scope) while DAC1.py has a 1s delay built-in so you can use a DMM.

Have Fun !

Source: MicroPython PCF8591 DACtest

About The Author

Muhammad Bilal

I am a highly skilled and motivated individual with a Master's degree in Computer Science. I have extensive experience in technical writing and a deep understanding of SEO practices.

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