Mooresville, NC (PRWEB) August 04, 2011
Mooresville Graded School District (MGSD), located in Mooresville, North Carolina, announced a partnership beginning this August with the education and technology company Pearson. Pearson will provide MGSD with its online MyMathLab curriculum and the NovaNET digital instruction in core subject areas to recover credits for promotion or graduation, as well as advanced placement courses. This partnership supports MGSDs move to digital learning by providing online instruction for middle and high school students. Pearsons products directly support MGSDs One-to-One Laptop project aimed at ensuring that every student is prepared for the challenges of the 21st century global workplace.
Mooresville Graded School District superintendent Dr. Mark Edwards said, Our digital conversion plan calls for technology-rich curriculum programs for our students that embody the teaching of 21st century skills. We chose Pearson because it is committed to the success of the one-to-one movement and has a record of creating research-based digital curriculum with proven results. Pearson has demonstrated leadership in engineering the kind of one-to-one centric programs that are a 100% match with the goals we have set for our Mooresville students.
Pearson will provide curriculum programs that have been designed to take advantage of digital technology to personalize learning and adapt to each individual learners needs, including online homework, tutorial support, embedded videos, and assessment. These programs are fully coherent with the new Common Core State Standards for mathematics and English language arts.
The success that the Mooresville team has brought about in just four short years should be an inspiration to all of us in education. Here is proof positive of how technology can be effectively implemented to personalize learning for every child, said Pearson senior vice president Scott Drossos. These programs we are providing for Mooresville are specifically designed for one-to-one computer/student settings and will provide the Districts teachers greater flexibility to personalize learning and tailor instruction for each student.
Pearsons MyMathLab mathematics courses for Mooresville include: basic math, pre-algebra, algebra 1, algebra 2, advanced functions & modeling, pre-calculus, AP calculus, geometry, discrete math and Advanced Placement statistics. MyMathLab is modular, self-paced, accessible anywhere, and adaptable to each students learning style. MyMathLabs online gradebook automatically tracks all student results and gives the teacher control to calculate final grades.
Pearsons NovaNET courseware provides 38 web-based, interactive multimedia courses, with comprehensive curriculum for adolescent learners in core content areas. Each of these courses features research-based and standards-aligned content and a continuously expanding course library. NovaNET empowers teachers with tools to create, customize, and share courses and assessments.
Drossos said that Pearson will provide professional development training to teachers to ensure maximum efficiency in implementing the middle and high school courses.
About Mooresville, North Carolina School District
The Mooresville Graded School District is located in the town of Mooresville approximately 30 miles north of Charlotte, NC. A district of 5500 students, MGSD consists of three elementary schools, two intermediate schools, one middle school and one high school which includes an advanced technology and arts center. MGSD is known nationally for its digital conversion where every child in grades 4-12 is issued a MacBook for use at both home and school. Mooresville student achievement and graduation rates have improved by 14 and 11 percent respectively since implementing the Digital Conversion initiative in 2008. Due to great students, staff and community, MGSD is consistently a contender for the top spot in the state when it comes to academic excellence. Visit:
About Pearson
As the worlds leading education company and leader in learning, content, technology, assessment and education services, Pearson is committed to improving the lives of people everywhere. We do this by providing support to build a stronger education system and offer personalized opportunities for students of all ages to learn at their own pace, in their own way. Our success is founded in partnering with education stakeholders to deliver innovative products, technologies and services that respond to challenges to education and help improve student achievement. Pearson is making unprecedented levels of investment in new models for education and supporting key elements of the reform agenda: Common Core standards, digital, mobile and virtual learning, college and career readiness, teacher effectiveness, school improvement, and custom solutions for schools and colleges. Visit
Mooresville Graded School District Tanae McLean, Director of Public Information, tmclean(at) – 1.704.658.2543
Pearson Kate Miller, Vice President, Communications, kate.miller(at)pearson(dot)com – 1.800.745.8489