New Orleans, LA (PRWEB) September 08, 2011
NOVACES, a leading management consulting firm based in New Orleans that provides performance improvement, continuous process improvement (CPI), and project management services to public and private sector organizations, announced today the release of their new book, Performance Improvement for Healthcare: Leading Change with Lean, Six Sigma, and Constraints Management, published by McGraw-Hill Professional and available now.
The book presents readers with a strategy for managing bottlenecks, eliminating waste, reducing errors, and containing costs in healthcare organizations. And, importantly, it lays a framework for sustaining the gains achieved. Real-world case studies throughout the book illustrate successful performance improvement implementations that have realized breakthrough operational and financial results.
Authors Bahadir Inozu, Ph.D., Dan Chauncey, Vickie Kamataris, Charles Mount have combined their knowledge and performance improvement experience to publish a book that integrates the latest advancements in performance improvement. For those who are dissatisfied with the status quo in terms of patient experience, financial viability, and employee satisfaction, this book offers the best of breed in healthcare performance improvement approaches, says Bahadir Inozu, co-author and founding partner of NOVACES.
The case studies highlighted in Performance Improvement for Healthcare show how the combination of Lean, Six Sigma, and Constraints Management (or Theory of Constraints) can solve the critical problems that prevent hospitals from being prepared for the changes required by the Affordable Care Act and the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) payment model.
Bob Halder, a physician and retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral, is a vocal proponent of the concepts in the book and the role they will play in assisting healthcare with this transformation. When asked about Performance Improvement for Healthcare, Dr. Halder responded that the book features numerous concrete, relevant, real-life examples of successful applications of this performance improvement system in hospital and clinic settings. It is readable, understandable, and implementable.
The book is available for sale on and is available at major retailers. A book launch and author signing is planned at the National Association for Healthcare Qualitys (NAHQ) 36th Annual Educational Conference on September 16 and 17 in Sacramentos Convention Center at booth #403.
For review copies, please contact:
Bettina Faltermeier, McGraw-Hill Professional
bettina_faltermeier(at)mcgraw-hill(dot)com; 212-512-4014
NOVACES is a leading provider of healthcare performance improvement, Lean Six Sigma, and quality management consulting and training services to hospitals, health systems, large physician networks, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers. Employing its SystemCPI roadmap, the company provides a framework to deploy and manage a performance improvement program that enables clients to rapidly achieve return on investment and self-sufficiency. For more information, visit or call 1-877-577-6888.
About the Authors
Bahadir Inozu, Ph.D., is a founding partner and the Chief Executive Officer of NOVACES, LLC, a leading provider of continuous process improvement consulting and training services. He is a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt and a Theory of Constraints Jonah. Dr. Inozu has been teaching undergraduate, graduate, and adult education courses on Process Improvement, Lean, Six Sigma, Reliability and Maintenance Management, Marine Engineering, and Executive Leader Training courses on Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) for over 20 years.
Dan Chauncey is the Director of Deployment Services for NOVACES where he has served as the technical program manager for the deployment of CPI across patient care in the U.S. Navy Medical Enterprise. He currently leads a team of five Master Black Belts embedded at mid-level commands across Navy Medicine and has previously provided consulting and training for deployments at United Health Services, and Somerset Medical Center and also served as Director of Process Improvement and Organizational Development at University Health System.
Vickie Kamataris, RN, CPHQ is an Advisory Board Member for NOVACES. She is a registered nurse with more than 25 years of clinical experience. As a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt with more than 15 years of Performance Improvement experience, Vickie has successfully applied Lean, Six Sigma, Theory of Constraints and other quality tools and methods to a wide range of healthcare processes, leading clinical, business and military teams to achieve extraordinary results.
Charles Mount, CAPT, USN (Ret.) is the Director of Government Healthcare Services and an ASQ-certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt for NOVACES, LLC. He has 40 years experience serving healthcare, defense and security organizations, as well as 28 years experience in Performance Improvement, leadership, management, and professional development. After almost 39 years on active duty, he retired from the military as a Captain from the Navy Medical Department. He served as the Navys national faculty for Basic Life Support for the Navy Surgeon General for 17 years.