Rockville, MD (PRWEB) April 14, 2011
Jinfonet Software, a leader in java reporting solutions, now provides TruEffect with robust data management through highly customizable and interactive dashboards. TruEffect, a prominent name in interactive display and online media solutions, recently selected JReport to enhance its existing reporting and analytical capabilities.
This addition has directly benefitted TruEffect by empowering them to simplify their application stack, reduce complexity, improve metadata management, leverage their substantial infrastructure investment and increase productivity levels.
TruEffect delivers and analyzes billions of ads every month for its clients. Now they can evaluate and optimize media performance using JReports powerful visualizations to present data as actionable information.
We had previously been reporting with a prominent solution whose user interface was not sufficiently intuitive, said Scott Nelson, EVP and COO of TruEffect. We required a reporting tool that is more robust and flexible with better capabilities around visual representations. Whereas the former solution presented data requiring further analysis, JReport more easily presents complex dimensions and trends, improving the quality of analysis.
Another key factor was JReports ability to report from Oracle stored procedures. Unlike the former solution, JReport offers a native interface to convert Oracle SP REF CURSOR to a regular result set that the customer can use directly to build a report. This capability eliminated a system to manage TruEffects complex metadata. Whereas TruEffect had previously been maintaining two systems, they have now simplified to one solution.
With JReport, TruEffects clients will be able to focus on the meaning of the data instead of filtering through it. Now that weve added JReport, we feel proud to present easy-to-use but sophisticated and actionable reports to our customers, said Dave Olson, Senior Database Architect of TruEffect.
About Jinfonet Software
Jinfonet Software is the leading provider of embedded reporting solutions for enterprise applications. JReport, the company’s flagship product, is a Java-based reporting solution that can embed seamlessly into any Java application, leverages Java EE standards, and delivers interactive reports via the web. JReport’s intuitive design and deployment tools make report creation, review, distribution and ad hoc reporting fast and easy. JReport is in its 10th release cycle and is employed by hundreds of thousands of end-users at more than 10,000 installations worldwide.
More information on Jinfonet Software and JReport is available online at
About TruEffect, Inc.
TruEffect, headquartered in Broomfield, CO, offers the most powerful online acquisition and retention platform in the industry. Driven by patented first party technology, TruEffects TruConnect online advertising platform turns every ad impression into a one-to-one consumer engagement, delivering the insight, performance and control of direct marketing, while providing the highest standard of consumer privacy and data protection available.
For more information visit
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