Both Mainboard Features
- Pin compatible for 40-pin AVR and AT89S5x family Microcontrollers
- Single sided PCB, header for 4 I/O ports, ISP port and RS-232 port
- Built in +5V voltage regulator LM7805 with heatsink
- Built in +5V and +12V (depend on input voltage) with terminal screw connector for further expansion
- Onboard In System Programmer header
- Schematic Included
- Both mainboard is identically appearance with minor change
I/O Modules:
LED Board
The LED board provides 8-bit dot LED. The board can tie to the main PCB easily with a 10 pin ribbon cable.
For more detail: ATMEL AVR ATMega 8535/16/32 and ATMEL AT89S5x Family Learning Kit