USB has established itself as the new standard for connectivity. That is why USB connectivity has become the “holy grail” of most embedded applications.
Well, let me get straight to the point. If you want to start developing projects with USB interface, you want to have the proper development tools. To have the tools that you need, you either have to buy or to do-it-yourself.
If you want to build a USB development board yourself, here is one for you.
This development board features Microchip’s PIC18F4550. This development board is a simplified version of Microchip’s PICDEM Full Speed USB. It has one trimmer for ADC, LEDs, push buttons, and USB connector. Most of the pins of PIC18F4550 are brought out to header connectors. It is powered by USB port. Lastly, it is compatible with Microchip’s MCHPFSUSB USB Framework.
Since this development board is a simplified PICDEM FS USB board, hex files can be loaded to PIC18F4550 using the USB bootloader provided by Microchip. Microchip also provided a software tool to download hex files to PIC18F4550.
For more detail: PIC18F4550 USB Development Board