Arduino Uno kit on the Board at the entrance of the TL082 opamp used Guitar Tuning circuit audio audio input and frequency to detect the “Arduino-Frequency-Detection” software used. According to the LEDs light at… Electronics Projects, Guitar Tuning Project with Arduino Uno “arduino projects, avr project, microcontroller projects, “
Arduino Uno kit on the Board at the entrance of the TL082 opamp used Guitar Tuning circuit audio audio input and frequency to detect the “Arduino-Frequency-Detection” software used.
According to the LEDs light at certain frequencies sesisnin the guitar.
E – 82.4 Hz
A – 110Hz
D – 146.8 Hz
G – 196Hz
B – 246.9 Hz
E – 329.6 Hz
Guitar Tuning system works with 2 pieces of 9v battery connection diagram and source code box for the panel was given in diagrams (corel, photoshop)
source: alternative link: Guitar Tuning Project with Arduino Uno.rar alternative link2 alternative link3