Miami, Florida, January 22 2013 – T&M Atlantic today announced that There is a new addition to AKTAKOMs handheld oscilloscopes-DMMs, a new device series dual channel models ADS-4062 and ADS-4102 with a bandwidth of 60 MHz and 100 MHz respectively. AKTAKOM new digital oscilloscopes-multimeters have maximum real time sampling rate of 1 GSa/s (500 mSa/s per channel) and the deepest Functionality of these new devices is on the same level as benchtop oscilloscopes and in features technology that is inherent in digital oscilloscopes of world-known brands.
Similarly to AKTAKOM ADS-2022, ADS-2042M, ADS-2062, ADS-2062M, ADS-2072, ADS-2072M, ADS-2102, ADS-2102M, ADS-2152, ADS-2152M, ADS-2202 benchtop oscilloscopes ADS-4062 and ADS-4102 models have wider synchronization capabilities. They include: edge trigger, video signal trigger, pulse width trigger, slope trigger, as well as alternative trigger to watch nonsynchronous signals.AKTAKOM new portable oscilloscopes-multimeters, just like the benchtop models, have the following functions and capabilities:
- Cursor measurements: manual. track. auto
- Automotive measurements: 32 types. 14 to voltage, 18 – in time and frequency domains
- Storage: 10 captured waveforms, 20 setups, 2 referenced waveforms
- Bandwidth limitation: 20 MHz
- Digital filters: LF, HF, band, reject
- Waveform interpolation: Sin(x)/x, Linear
- Mathematical operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
- FFT (fast Fourier transform) for spectrum analyzing. Four built-in windows: Rectangle, Blackman, Hanning, Hamming. Sampling points: 1024
- Stretching mode
- X-Y mode
- Peak detector
- Averaging mode (4…256 samples)
- Built-in frequency meter
- Digital real-time recorder (7 MB)
- Saving to an external USB drive
- PictBridge function
- Remote control through PC
Besides an oscilloscope mode AKTAKOM ADS-4062 and ADS-4102 models can work in the mode of 6 digit multimeter. As a multimeter these devices are capable of measuring the following:
- DC voltage: up to 1000 V
- internal memory of 2 million points (1 million when the channels are switched on simultaneously).
- AC voltage: up to 750 V
- Direct current: up to 10 A
- Alternating current: up to 10 A
- Resistance: up to 60 MΩ
- Capacity: up to 400 µF
- as well as continuity testing and diode checking.
There is a remarkable and unique function (for low-cost oscillography)In AKTAKOM ADS-4062 and ADS-4102 new portable oscilloscopes – it is parameter trend recording function (TrendPlot).
TrendPlot function allows construction of a graph of the parameter changing in time, to plot a trend. Moreover in ADS-4062 and ADS-4102 trend can be plotted both in oscilloscope mode and multimeter mode.
Record length in oscilloscope mode is more than 18 hours (800 kpts) and in multimeter mode – up to 6000 hours (1,2 million points).
The trends can be displayed on a single screen, some separate areas can be moved closer (ZOOM), also cursor measurement is available. For archiving, filing and further analyzing the recorded data can be saved to an external USB drive.
ADS-4062 and ADS-4102 portable oscilloscopes-multimeters are supplied with a Li-ion rechargeable battery of 5000 mA*h ( that can last up to 5 hours) or with a network adapter.
For more detail: New Series of Handheld Oscilloscopes-Multimeters AKTAKOM