New York, NY (PRWEB) February 6, 2007
Maestro Ruffo Caselli, from Ovada in Italy, is planning to exhibit his canvases in the United States.
Those who know Ruffo Caselli, the well-known abstract artist, usually describe him as polite, reserved, and above all, the painter of microprocessors.
Now aged seventy-four, after more than 120 important exhibitions, Ruffo Caselli is respected by the entire artistic community. He spends his days painting, in oil, the circuits and microprocessors that have become his own very distinctive trademark comparable to Amedeo Modigliani’s long necks and Lucio Fontana’s torn canvases.
As long ago as the 60s, his work showed an intuition that was prophetic. It depicted a world inhabited by microchips that controlled every aspect of life, substituting real-life with a vision of a mutating humanity that bore an increasing resemblance to the ever-present and all-knowing microprocessors and showed a freedom of expression, fuelled by his perception of modern life that was second-to-none. “I started painting when I was four and I haven’t stopped since,” he says, “my art is my life”.
He expresses his views on life with a style that is both elegant and unmistakable, encapsulating the advances of modern technology with a finesse that reflects his powers of observation. Microprocessors are the heroes of his canvases, heroes that might almost belong to a forthcoming superior civilization that is biding its time in silence as it observes what we are doing and guides us towards the future.
His art has evolved in tandem with technology in a journey that started with the invention of integrated circuits at the end of the 50s; moved through bar codes and on to the microchips of today, which he endows with the capacity to adapt to the ever-changing needs of man and his psyche.
The power of the message he is sending is softened by the inclusion of relaxed and ageless figures in an almost theatrical composition that sometimes brings to mind the great heroes of the classics or the chorus of a Greek tragedy.
He paints instinctively, and whether he fills his canvasses with disappointment or enthusiasm, they are all an affirmation of freedom.
The circuits, antennae and transistors he so carefully included in the background may once have been considered artistic eccentricity but today they are what identify him. Thirty years ago, there were those that smiled at his canvasses full of scenes littered with electronic wizardry, but today we would be lost without our cell-phones, palmtops, USB keys, digital cameras
“Technology is the final frontier, a machine that is just like us. We have already created robots that resemble us and now we are even starting to think like computers,” says Ruffo Caselli, ever faithful to the views he first expressed half a century ago. “Who knows, maybe one day microprocessors will be creating us”.
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