
Easy-DownloaderV1.1 for ATMEL89C2051

Build your own a personal writer forprogramming HEX code into Flash based microcontroller AT89C2051(2k) andAT89C4051(4k). Simple hardware and Easy use software in DOS and Windowversion. Single-side and double side PCB files included.sourcecode with sdcc version! Introduction The first version of the Easy-Downloaderwas designed in 1997 to be used as a tool for my students on

Easy-DownloaderV1.1 for ATMEL89C2051 Read More »

Experimenting the AT90S8535 with Code Vision AVR C Compiler

Introduction The ISP (In System Programmable) of the AVR chips provides a very simpleand very cheap for hobbyist to learn and build application with AVR chips.I have got the evaluation version of CodeVisionAVR,from my friend. The CodeVision is an IDE for AVR chips having built-insoftware for STK200 compatible programmer. After compiling the source programin C,

Experimenting the AT90S8535 with Code Vision AVR C Compiler Read More »

AVR Thermometer using AT90S2313 microcontroller

Introduction I bought the LED module from BanMor’ last week, just 30Baht. The moduleprovide a prewired multiplex of 4-digit common anode LED, that’s great.See the soldering pad of these signal in the 1st picture below. I thought,my friend gave me the AT90S2313 chip, and with a simple homemade ISP cableand a free software AVR ISP

AVR Thermometer using AT90S2313 microcontroller Read More »

RFID security system using ATmega32 microcontroller

Introduction and Motivations: For our final project, we designed and built (and exhaustively tested) an RFID-based proximity security system for use with Cornell Identification cards, which have been RFID-embedded since fall of 2003. The idea for this project was sort of spawned from our general interest in RFID technologies and the near-simultaneous occurance of Lab

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Project Development Board using ATTiny2313 microcontroller

This is my first time using the AVR. I like to learn using the ATTiny 2313, because it is faster than MCS-51, cheap and the circuit is very simple. The chip has only 20 pins. I was interested because I want to build a simple line follower robot controlled by this MCU. Board Construction The

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AVR Programmer using ATTINY2313 microcontroller

INTRODUCTION AVR910 is a very useful programmer. It can program almost complete range of AVR chips. The original version made by Klaus is here, http://www.mikrocontroller-projekte.de/Mikrocontroller/AVR-Prog/AVR-Programmer.html. The programmer uses ISP capability of AVR chips. AVR910 first appeared in AVR910 application note by ATMEL. It is one of the fastest programmers for AVR. We can use AVR

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Atmel described a simple programmer based on the AT90S1200 (NOT the AT90S1200A) controller in their application note. AVR910 (a modification to use the AT90S2313 is also given below). The circuit is so small and simple. I was able to put two of them together without using a printed circuit board. Taking only about an hour

BUILD A SIMPLE SERIAL PROGRAMMER FOR AVR DEVICES using ATtiny2313 Microcontroller Read More »

3 channel 8 bit EEPROM DAC with DS interface using ATtiny12 microcontroller

3 channel, 8 bit EEPROM DAC with DS interface using ATtiny12 microcontroller

Low power. EEPROM memory for autonomous operation, 16 bytes available for general purpose use. Low cost. This device provides three channels of 8 bit pulse-width modulation. Output pulse duty cycle ranges from 0 to 255/256 in 255 steps. DACs may be loaded by the DS interface. DAC values may also be copied into the on-chip

3 channel, 8 bit EEPROM DAC with DS interface using ATtiny12 microcontroller Read More »

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