
Multichannel USB Analog Sensor using ATMega48 Microcontroller

Sometimes it’s tempting to re-invent the wheel to make a device function exactly the way you want. I am re-visiting the field of homemade electrophysiology equipment, and although I’ve already published a home made electocardiograph (ECG), I wish to revisit that project and make it much more elegant, while also planning for a pulse oximeter, an electroencephalograph (EEG),

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Nikon Camera Remote Control using ATtiny13 Microcontroller

This is an IR remote control for Nikon cameras. It is compatible with the Nikon ML-L3 remote control. Supported cameras include: D40, D40X, D50, D60, D70, D70s, D80, Coolpix 8400 8800. This design is based on an idea from The circuit is extremely simple: an ATtiny13V, button, transistor, resistor, IR diode and 3V battery.

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Prime Calculator is Complete using ATMega8 Microcontroller

My microcontroller-powered prime number generator/calculator is virtually complete! Although I’m planning on improving the software (better menus, the addition of sound, and implementation of a more efficient algorithm) and hardware (a better enclosure would be nice, battery/DC wall power, and a few LEDs on the bottom row are incorrectly wired), this device is currently functional

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Making a USB based AVR Programmer using ATMEGA8 Microcontroller

Around time when I was beginning to learn about microcontrollers. I had exchanged my laptop with a senior at college for his desktop – that’s because the only way I knew how to program an ATMEGA chip was through either a serial port or a parallel port. USB programmers were not available widely and were

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Arduino VGA via Interrupts using AVR Microcontroller

Arduino VGA via Interrupts using AVR Microcontroller

Part 1: Introduction For some people, interrupts are a mystical thing that they think they will never understand. To that I say non-sense! And to that effect and to help us also better understand VGA, let’s see if we can’t output some basic VGA signals like we’ve done before, but this time using some interrupts!

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How to control Stepper Motor using AT89C51 Microcontroller

As explained in earlier article, Stepper motor is operated by energizing the stator coils in an ordered sequence. When the input sequence of signal is applied to the motor leads, it starts rotating in steps. AT89C51 microcontroller has a current rating of 50mA. It can neither source nor sink huge current. ULN2003 is high voltage

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