Data from Port0 7447 entegresinde and 7-segment displayreaches ‘ s.7447 -integration mikrodenetleyiciden from binary code to show in the 7 segment displayis used.
So when it comes to 0000 a, b, c, d, e, f LEDs lights up g edi fireproof.7 segment displayis connected in parallel to each other ‘ s.Using the same data path to the parallel 7 segment display 7-segment display at different times by choosing the instant in which the display is selected in the ‘ s data for him.
In practice, common anode 7-segment display is used.
Port2 .Transistors are one of a displaylerden display driving benefit you so. With the help of the buttons in time, dk, Port3 alarm settings.
Port1.0 a alarm fitted. Buttons A button bit microcontroller used in ground at the other end. Dirençler’in feature 1 signal microcontroller send button is not pressed. So with the microcontroller to trigger button is active 0.
For more detail: 89C517 Segment Display using the Digital Time