Internet is “good” not only for people but also for various devices (things), what we´re experiencing on every step. And that´s only the beginning ….
Term „Internet of Things – IoT“ is known already for several years and in general it addresses connection of various devices to internet. What´s the benefit of internet connectivity for various devices, sensors and other modules? It´s quite a lot, what IoT enables, for example:
- remote data read out, practically from any place on Earth
- remote control
- diagnostics, watching and early prevention of faults
- minimizing of physical control and service intervention to a given device
- real-time evaluation and many other
A common feature of all „IoT“ devices is, that they are uniquely identifiable. A global expansion of internet caused, that technical equipment (for example Ethernet/ serial interfaces) enabling implementation of TCP/IP Ethernet or WiFi into a target device are available for affordable prices, so it´s relatively simple and affordable to add internet connectivity into a target device. Using this connectivity we gain a possibility to use a given device in virtually any environment and any country.
Already a small, easily usable module like for example Xport is, is able to provide a TCP/IP connectivity and provides a possibility to administrate a given device through a web server.
Internet of Things should be beneficial for both – producer and also for user (or administrator) of a given device. A user is prospering from an easy data collection through a practically everywhere-available network and a producer is in many cases able to diagnose or service given device within few seconds or minutes.
One of the biggest advantages of using internet as an “interconnecting element” is a possibility of unlimited expansion of connected devices and relatively simple data processing. Many smaller but also renowned companies already today offer a software development – customized for a given IoT application.
A characteristic feature of IoT is, that generated data originate from “things”, not from human as it is so far at the majority of nowadays internet content. Direct data transfer without human intervention increases accuracy, eliminates possible mistakes and mainly – saves human work and attention.
For more detail: Are you familiar with Internet of (every) Things?