ATmega128 microcontroller based on the ATmega128 a quality marquee project instead of text information stored on the MMC card codes shared resources At the beginning this project was to buy a led sign to...Electronics Projects, ATmega128 MMC Card Supported 3-Colors LED Sign Message Board “avr project, microcontroller projects, “
ATmega128 microcontroller based on the ATmega128 a quality marquee project instead of text information stored on the MMC card codes shared resources
At the beginning this project was to buy a led sign to interface with my home automation network. This automation network display information like temperature wind speed, humidity etc I had bought on LED Sign but when I received it I got a surprise! There was no serial port to program messages
3 Colors messages
5 Scrolling speed
Serial port for uploading messages
Source:ATMEGA128 MMC CARD SUPPORTED 3-COLORS LED SIGN MESSAGE BOARD alternative link: atmega128-mmc-card-supported-3-colors-led-sign-message-board.rar