ATtiny85 Light Sensor – I2C slave device

I love AVR ATtinyx5 series microcontrollers. They are cheap, easy to use, they can be programmed just like Arduinos and comparing to their size they offer great features. For example, they can be used as remote analog to digital converters connected to master device using I2C bus.
Background: few year ago I’ve build a weather station based on Raspberry Pi. It collects various data and displays them on dedicated web page and Android app. Every few months I try to add a new sensor to it. Last time it was a daylight sensor. Raspberry Pi does not offer ADC inputs and I has few ATtiny85 on hand that time. One to another, few hours later: photoresistor based daylight meter sensor connected via I2C bus.ATtiny85 Light Sensor – I2C slave device
Electric assembly is pretty simple: ATtiny85 directly connected to Raspberry Pi via I2C, photoresistor with 10kOhm pull down connected to ATtiny85 and signal LED.Schematic ATtiny85 Light Sensor – I2C slave device
Code driving this rig is also pretty simple: watchdog timer wakes up ATtiny every few minutes, measures voltage, filters it and stores in memory. Every time read operation is requested, last filtered ADC value (10 bits as 2 bytes).
I2C support is provided by TinyWireS library that configures USI as I2C slave.

 * This function is executed when there is a request to read sensor
 * To get data, 2 reads of 8 bits are required
 * First requests send 8 older bits of 16bit unsigned int
 * Second request send 8 lower bytes
 * Measurement is executed when request for first batch of data is requested
void requestEvent()
  if (reg_position >= reg_size)
      reg_position = 0;
 * Setup I2C
TinyWireS.onRequest(requestEvent); //Set I2C read event handler

Example code to read from device might look like this:
For more detail: ATtiny85 Light Sensor – I2C slave device

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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