What is babuino?
Babuino allows you to control your digital devices with your smatphone, in an easy way.
You just have to connect your babuino to a USB port of the device you want to control, and start our program on your phone
Connecting with babuino is trouble free and it does not need any configuration.
You can also control your smartphone from your computer (PC or Mac), now you can write your messages from a regular keyboard. It works in android devices, iPad and iPhone with jailbreak.
With babuino, you can use your smartphone to control lot of things, computers, toys, homemade electronics… and practically any digital device.
Who can use babuino?
When we started developing babuino, we thought in people who just want to use our technology, without knowing anything about how does it works, but if you are interrested we will give you all information.
Babuino will be shipped as a 100% finished product, and it will come with lot of software to use it from minute one.
But at the same time, we want to offer a usefull and powerfull product for that people who want to make their own projects, so we developed babuino as a full open project.
We have to models, babuino stick and babuino board.
Why are 2 versions of babuino?
Well, these 2 versions of babuino are pretty similar.
Babuino stick comes on a transparent case (like a pendrive) so you can bring it with you everywhere. You have seen several of its uses on the promotional video.
Babuino board comes unboxed. It have accesible pins, so you can connect more electronic components to it. It´s a very small board, arduino compatible, bluetooth ready, and with the power of the xmega microcontroller.
For more detail: Babuino: Connecting smartphones to digital devices