Rolling Meadows, IL (PRWEB) January 26, 2009
BEST Inc announces the release of a new CD-based “How To” training series on the most common PCB repairs. This series of 10 repair teaching videos demonstrate firsthand how to repair the most common physical damages seen on PCBs. While these repairs are detailed in IPC procedures as part of the IPC 7721 “Repair and Modification of Printed Boards and Electronic Assemblies” these videos demonstrate first hand what the repair technician needs to perform under the microscope. Both users and training departments can use these videos as tools to learn or teach how to perform these repairs.
The series includes demonstrations of techniques in PCB pad, trace, eyelet, laminate, corner, mask as well as other repairs. Videos feature multiple camera angles and clear voice instruction that allows someone with reasonable dexterity and the right replacement tools to be able to perform PCB repairs. The teaching videos are sold both individually or as a set.
The instructors from BEST are 2M trained IPC master instructors with over 70 years of combined electronics and teaching experiences.
“Users come to BEST for very specific PCB repair training materials and we can augment these product needs with the very specific training found in these videos that end users are looking for” claimed Katy Radcliff, product line manager of Best Inc.
About Business Electronics Soldering Technologies (BEST)
Headquartered in Rolling Meadows, Illinois BEST is a supplier of PCB rework and repair services serving communications, computer, industrial, automotive, avionic and military accounts. In addition BEST is an master IPC-certified training center certifying students and instructors in J-STD-001, IPC-610 and IPC 7711 and 7721 material.
Contact: Katy Radcliff, Product Manager