Converting from Eagle to KiCad.
- Quick Introduction Video
Recommended video player Firefox 46+ with VLC video player plugin - The following 5 ulp (eagle user script file) and one ulp include file, work together or stand alone to convert Eagle sch/pcb version 6.xx(7.xx maybe?) file(s) and any version of Eagle lib(lbr) to KiCad sch/pcb and lib/mod files.
- The Programs will do
- Eagle mulit sheet sch to KiCad mulit sheets.
- Global and local net labels for mulit sheets.(This is a real nasty bit of hacking!)
- Mulit part gate’s.
- Build KiCad PCB modules and SCH libs from Eagle SCH.
- Make project director to store all the converted files.
- And basic error checking.
- Eagle 6.xx PCB files can be directly import to KiCad.
- Eagle LBR’s(any version of Eagel libs or size ) can be converted to KiCad lib/mod using eagle-lbr2kicad-1.0.ulp see
- Eagle Lib conversion for more details.
- Converts Via’s to Pads, which helps with KiCad’s flood fill, when Via’s have no connections.
- Documents fill’s over SMD pad’s on Eagle Layer 155,156
- Documents on layer’s 150,152,153,154 of (Eagle) the unconnected Via’s and tracks.
- The examples director contains a number of converted sch’s/board’s.
- By using the following ulp’s a consistent link from the SCH to PCB is maintained so forward and backward net-list annotations work under KiCad!
WARNING KiCad via’s and tracks don’t retain NET information from Eagle when they are not connect to a PAD!,** So KiCad flood fill will not connect to them !!! There is an option to convert and document on layer’s 150,152,153,154 of (Eagle) the unconnected Via’s and tracks which will make finding and fixing the problem much easier.**
- Download the zip file, (click on the button on the bottom right of this page. Download ZIP) And unzip using your favorite zip program to your target directory OR if your prefer git:
git clone
For more detail: Converting from Eagle to KiCad