I know STMicroelectronics Nucleo platform for IoT. Recently W5500 Ethernet shield will be announced by WIZnet.
So I implemented a firmware of Nucleo board by Ethernet SW modification because I can handle a source code easily. You can know the status of equipment even if it is so far. Please refer to the following step.
Step 1: Prepare Materials
Please refer to the following.
1. Nucleo board
2. W5500 Ethernet shield
3. Easy Module shield
4. LAN cable
5. USB cable
Step 2: Hardware Connection
Please connect an LAN cable and USB cable
You can get more HW info by the following site.
Step 3: Prepare Development Environment
1. Install GNU Toolchain
2. Install CoIDE
3. Insert your path to Menu->Project->Select Toolchain Path
4. Install ST-Link/V2 Driver
Step 4: Introduction of W5500 Chip
Driver source
Step 5: Introduction of Blynk Platform
Step 6: Software
I uploaded CoIDE project.
You can download this project file. And then import project into CoIDE. After compile, you can run control operation through Blynk platform.
Source: How to Use the Blynk App on IoT Board(Nucleo)