I have something with the weather. I always like to know how warm or cold it is, how much rain has fallen, how hard the wind blows and from what direction,… and so there are lots of sensors around our house to keep me up to date. These sensors give only a limited range of data, so I still need the internet to inform me about everything I want to know.
I am lucky because one of the national weather data collecting points is located in the village where I live. And all its data is to be found on the internet, together with the data of all other collecting points and predicions for the upcoming days in a very handy XML-file.
The only drawback is that you always need a computer to acces that data. So I decided to start buiding a device to display the data without a pc. This wind indicator is a testversion, displaying only the wind direction, its force and a prediction for the next day. It is connected to a pc via a USB to RS232 converter, but the future project should be able to work as a stand alone version.
For more detail: LED wind indicator