From now, it´s even more probable to find the right connector for your application in our store.
After success of so far types of connectors for memory cards and SIM cards, we add to our stock offer many other types of connectors for SIM cards, SD cards, micro SD cards, CF cards, E-SAT, DDR and other from company Attend.
We realize that at a development even seaming trifles are important, other pin position etc., which decide whether a given connector is usable or not in your application. That´s why we offer you at some types (SD, micro SD, SIM, …) even several versions of a seemingly same connector. From many types we have in stock initial amounts as yet, but soon we´ll increase this count – depending on your interest.
An interesting alternative to common micro SD connectors is the type 112C-TBAR-R02 with a swiveling holder. The connector is suitable for applications, where an often exchange of SD cards is not supposed, but it is necessary to save space on a PCB or where it´s not possible to insert a memory card from a side.
Similarly interesting is the „2in1“ connector 112G-TA00-R for a micro SD and a SIM card. This connector particularly saves PCB space.
Should you be interested in a connector, which would be out of stock at the moment, or which we don´t have in the offer yet, don´t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
For more detail:Memory media and data communication without limitations