This project is to build a portable GPS geared towards runners (well, me and what I think a runner wants a GPS thingy for). It’s sponsored by the University of Minnesota’s ECE Envision Fund.
The hardware is basically complete, and the software is functional, if not polished. This is what the main screen looks like while tracking, with another image to show scale (though you can also reference the microSD card in the images further down):
It basically shows the current distance traveled and the time taken to travel that distance. And does nothing else. No start/stop, no pause, nothing. Actual niceties like that are on the to-do list. The maps are loaded from the microSD card, and are generated from TileMill using a custom color scheme and OpenStreetMap data.
The innards consist of an LPC1778 Cortex M3 micro, a GPS, a battery, and supporting components. The case is basically two shells milled out of some polymer sheet I had lying around, held together with a silicone band I molded around it.
For more detail: Runner’s GPS build