Birmingham, UK (PRWEB UK) 29 February 2012
ByteSnap Design Ltd, a specialist in innovative embedded system design and software design, has appointed B2B and technology specialist, Vitis PR, to manage public relations and online marketing.
Vitis PR, the Birmingham B2B PR company, was selected by ByteSnap Design thanks to the PR agencys extensive B2B expertise and close media contacts, both of which the team will use to raise awareness of ByteSnap Designs award-winning services and products. The ongoing contract follows a series of successful award submissions leading to ByteSnap Design winning European Design Team of the Year at the Elektra awards and being nominated for the British Engineering Excellence Awards and European Smart Metering awards.
Dunstan Power, Director of ByteSnap Design, said: We made the decision to hire Vitis PR on an ongoing basis as the team have continually shown us their dedication and commitment to our business while providing us with added value at every stage. Vitis PR will be supporting us with both online and traditional PR.
Vitis PR will be raising ByteSnap Designs profile by blending traditional public relations with online marketing techniques, such as SEO. The embedded design company is already seeing a benefit (and cost savings) from Vitis PRs online work through a better understanding and reporting of its paid search (PPC) campaign.
Jaspal Sahota, Director at Vitis PR, commented: We aim to offer clients value and expertise by combining our media contacts with our detailed knowledge of IT, engineering and technical PR. We will build upon our work with ByteSnap Design on successful award entries to secure briefings with a range of technology, business and industry journalists and at events, such as the National Electronics Week show in April.
The ByteSnap Design contract is just one of a series of wins for Vitis PR over the past twelve months and reflects the agencys expanding portfolio, which also includes software start-ups, growing businesses and established players within the B2B and technology markets.
To find out more, contact Jaspal Sahota at Vitis PR on 0121 242 8048 or via info (at) vitispr (dot) com.
Notes to Editors:
About Vitis PR:
Vitis PR is a public relations agency, based in Birmingham, UK. The agency specialises in technology PR and delivering high impact campaigns in some of the most competitive markets in the UK and overseas. Its clients benefit from an experienced all senior team, that is passionate about delivering successful, profile-building PR activity for start-ups and small to medium sized businesses (SMEs) right through to listed companies.
An award winning technology PR agency, Vitis PR won gold in 2007s CIPR New PRide Awards for Outstanding Small Consultancy and went on to win silver at 2009s CIPR New PRide Awards for its work with the West Midlands ICT Cluster. The technology and B2B specialist agency was also recently awarded silver at the 2011 CIPR Midlands Awards for Outstanding Small Consultancy.
Vitis PRs consultants each have at least seven years of PR experience from either consultancy, in-house or journalism backgrounds. Unlike traditional PR firms, Vitis PR is virtual and its cloud-based business model minimises overheads, meaning it can provide clients with high quality yet affordable PR. Vitis PR also offers SEO in the Solihull area through its partner agency WebPageOneHQ.
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