PIC24, 32, MSP430 is progressing rapidly but AT89S52 time, I still made sure that what is in use by 8051. In this project, kingston 8gb flash memory is read in the wav files (wav… Electronics Projects, Wave Reader Circuit AT89S52 Flash Memory “avr project, microcontroller projects, “
PIC24, 32, MSP430 is progressing rapidly but AT89S52 time, I still made sure that what is in use by 8051. In this project, kingston 8gb flash memory is read in the wav files (wav player circuit ) TBA820 AT89S52 output amplifier with integrated audio signal is given to powered speakers ..
Source: as.elte-s.com/zrob/cfplayer.htm alternative link: wave-reader-circuit-at89s52-flash-memory.rar