Saving electricity is a major concern for domestic and industrial units. We always try hard to save electricity in many ways to reduce our electricity bills, but due to some known and unforeseen circumstances our efforts do not normally transform in saving electricity. Adding to our woes we may at times forget to switch off electrical gadgets when we are not using them, especially the AC’s, which not only results in mounting electricity bills, but also forget the fact that we are wasting a resource which is of National Importance.
To overcome the above shortcomings, a prototype model is created which doesn’t hurt our pockets too. The name of the project is“Coin Operated Timer Control Power Supply Box to Control AC Appliances”.
Block Diagram Description
Lets Discuss the Components Shown in Block Diagram
1) AtMega 16
2) 16X2 Character LCD Display
3) Power Supply
Power supply for the complete unit can be derived from the mains using a step-down transformer of 230V AC primary to 0-12V, 500mA secondary.
A full- wave rectifier followed by a capacitor filter is the output voltage and feeds it to the 5-volt regulator (LM7805) whose output is used to the power supply requirements of microcontroller circuit, other IC’s.
For more detail: Coin Operated Timer Control Power Supply Box to Control AC Appliances