The hardware startup Pycom have been working hard to create a fast-develop-and-connect hardware portfolio, a portal and gathered enough developer manpower to unleash the IoT growth potential. Pycom has just launched its newest product: FiPy!FiPy is the new IoT module that connects your device to other networks. According to what the company describes, it is the most comprehensive solution, unifying LTE with other proprietary or unlicensed LPWA technologies into a single, five-network IoT connectivity solution.
“In addition to WiFi, BLE, LoRa and Sigfox, we’ve added the latest cellular technology for IoT: LTE-M. But, we didn’t just go for one frequency type either. Nope, we partnered with the leaders in their field, Sequans, and are now proud to confirm that our module will have both CAT NB1 and CAT M1.”
The board specifications
- ESP32-based – Espressif ESP32 SoC
- Dual processor and WiFi+Bluetooth radio system on chip
- Supports 5 networks: WiFi, BLE, cellular LTE-CATM1/M2(NBIoT), LoRa, and Sigfox
- RTC running @ 32KHz
- Size: 55 x 20 x 3.5 mm
- Micropython enabled
- Pymakr and Pymate compatible
- All your apps from WiPy, LoPy and SiPy will work on FiPy too
- Open source firmware
For more detail: FiPy, The Future IoT Module