MCUXpresso IDE: Blinky the NXP LPC800-DIP Board

During Embedded World 2017 in Nürnberg I was lucky to get a handful LPC800-DIP boards. To get all students who were lucky to get one, here is a tutorial to make that very exciting ‘blinky’ application on that board:
MCUXpresso IDE Blinky the NXP LPC800-DIP Board

MCUXpresso IDE Series

This article is part of a series to get up to speed using the new NXP MCUXpresso IDE. Published so far are:


This article shows to run a first ‘blinky’ (toggling LEDs on the board) on the LPC800-DIP board using Eclipse (MCUXpresso IDE) and the NXP LPCOpen library.
You need

  • LPC800-DIP board or any other LPC8xx board, in that case you will need to change the LED pins in the source code
  • MCUXpresso IDE V10.0.0 b344
  • Micro USB cable
  • SWD/JTAG debug probe like the LPC-Link2

he LPC800-DIP board does not contain a debug interface, but the USB-2-UART bridge which can be used with the FlashMagic (by Embedded Systems Academy) tool to program binaries. As I want to debug my application, I’m not using this tool in this article.
A link to all the project and source files is provided at the end of the article

LPC800-DIP Board

The LPC800-DIP board is a tiny board with the NXP LPC824 microcontroller on it:
It has the LPC824M201JHI33 on it (32 bit Cortex-M0+, 32 KByte Flash, 4 KB RAM) in breadboard friendly pin out. The microcontroller can be programmed using SWD or through the Silabs CP2102 UART-USB bridge: with pressing the ISP button I can program the device through the USB connection to the host and the FlashMagic utility.

SDK: LPC Board and LPC Chip Projects

To start with the board, I need a software library or SDK. For the LPC800 NXP provides the LPCOpen library. That library already is installed with the MCUXpresso IDE:
Alternatively, I can find them here:
I import the library project into my workspace using the ‘Import project(s) from file system…’ from the Quickstart panel in the MCUXpresso IDE:
Then browse for the LPCOpen archive file:
Press Next. I get offered a selection of projects to import. I need the chip library which I select:
The ‘chip’ library as the name indicates supports the given chip. I could as well import the board library (but that one would be for that board) or the example projects. For my blinky project all what I need is the chip library and I will do my ‘board support’ for the LEDs.
Press Finish, and the chip library shows up in the workspace:

Creating Project

The next step is to create a new project for the board. I use again the Quickstart panel with ‘New Project’:
Select the LPC824:
Press next. Select LPCOpen C project:
Press Next and give a project name:
In the next dialog it should detect the chip library I have present in my workspace:
Press Next. In the next dialogs I use the defaults until I get to the point to finish the wizard and the project gets created in the workspace:
Read more: MCUXpresso IDE: Blinky the NXP LPC800-DIP Board

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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