
Install GNU Make

Using the GNU AVR toolchain on Windows 10

Introduction This page aims to provide guidance on setting up a full GCC-based toolchain on a contemporary Windows platform. I’ve formulated these guidelines using my Windows 10 system, but they are generally applicable to Windows versions dating back to Windows 7. In earlier Windows editions, you might consider using WinAVR, which used to be the […]

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Using the GNU AVR toolchain on Windows 10

Using the GNU AVR toolchain on Windows 10

Introduction This page attempts to describe a procedure for installing a complete GCC-based toolchain on a modern Windows system. I’ve developed these instructions on my Windows 10 machine, but they should work for versions of Windows as far back as Windows 7. On older versions, you might want to use WinAVR. WinAVR used to be the preferred way to get

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