The ATMega16 chip in the M16 has a real-time counter that operates asynchronously when a 32,768hz watch crystal is connected to it, providing a real-time clock. Bascom has built-in support for the RTC, making it very easy to use time functions. The watch crystal needs to connect to pins TOSC1(pin 28) and TOSC2(pin 29). The time and date can be set via the PC serial port connection.
Hardware requirements
- ATMega16
- 32,768 KHz crystal
- LCD display
- RS232 port
BASCOM-AVR Real Time Clock example, the time can be set in a terminal program like hyperterminal.
'Real-Time Clock Example 'target device: ATMega16 'compilar: BASCOM-AVR ' 'date: 18-07-2008 Enable Interrupts Config Clock = Soft 'This command inits the clock Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portb.0 , Db5 = Portb.1 , Db6 = Portb.2 , Db7 = Portb.3 , E = Portb.6 , Rs = Portb.7 $crystal = 10000000 'give here the value of the X-tal you use in Hertz $baud = 9600 Config Date = Ymd , Separator = - ' ANSI-Format Input "Enter the time (hh:mm:ss):" , Time$ Input "Enter the date (mm/dd/yy):" , Date$ Cls Cursor Off Locate 1 , 1 Lcd "Real Time Clock" Do Locate 2 , 1 Lcd Time$ Locate 3 , 1 Lcd Date$ Wait 1 Loop
For more details, click: Real Time Clock ATMega16