
Setting up Atmel Studio for USBasp and AVR Programming

Setting up Atmel Studio for USBasp and AVR Programming

It can be a lot confusing someone for who just started programming in AVR environment. Atmel studio is the best IDP [Integrated Development Platform] for AVR programming and embedded system development. It takes awful lot of time just to get installed. But once you’re done configuring the IDP for AVR programming, there’s no way you’re […]

Setting up Atmel Studio for USBasp and AVR Programming Read More »

Digital Wall Clock on PCB using AVR Microcontroller Atmega16 and DS3231 RTC

Digital Wall Clock on PCB using AVR Microcontroller Atmega16 and DS3231 RTC

Every digital clock has a crystal inside it to keep track of time. This crystal is not only present in the clock but also present in all computing real-time systems. This crystal generates clock pulses, which is needed for timing calculations. Although there are some other ways to get clock pulses for higher accuracy and frequency, but the

Digital Wall Clock on PCB using AVR Microcontroller Atmega16 and DS3231 RTC Read More »

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