Hacking your Digg Button with a Removable Interface Cable using AVR

Hacking your Digg Button with a Removable Interface Cable using AVR

The Digg Button from adafruit industries www.adafruit.com is a very simple DIY electronics kit suitable for beginners. It consists of a microprocessor, a 3-digit display, a button and some available i/o pins. As it comes from adafruit, it’s a counter that displays the number of times it’s button has been pressed. The open i/o lines

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Instalacion del controlador USBasp (USBasp drivers setup) – Dark Side Electronics using AVR microcontroller

English version available at the bottom Se enseñara paso a paso como instalar los controladores (drivers) necesarios para el correcto funcionamiento del programador USBasp para microcontroladores AVR. Primero, mencionaremos algunas consideraciones para evitar fallos por usos indebidos del programador. También se mencionará  el protocolo y pines que debe tener en cuenta para poder programar su

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How to Read Binary/Hex Thumbwheel Switch with an AVR Microcontroller using ATmega328p microcontroller

This instructable will show you how to read the number on a binary pushwheel or thumbwheel switch using LED’s or an AVR microcontroller (I’m using an ATmega328p but this can be adapted for any AVR or probably another microcontroller of your choice). Multiple thumbwheel switches can be strung together to make an electronic combination lock,

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Power Your Arduino From Your Car using AVR microcontroller

Power Your Arduino From Your Car using AVR microcontroller

The Arduino — and AVRs in general — have a wide range of power supply options ranging from around 1.8V to 5.5V. The choice of voltage is usually determined by the desired clock speed or power consumption requirements. The Arduino and its many variants have power jacks that allow connections from big, clunky “wall warts.”

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Using Arduino to communicate with embedded project using AVR ATMEGA microcontroller

Building a stand-alone AVR ATMEGA project sometimes leaves you with no easy to read output from your project. But you can use an Arduino to act as a communications bridge between your embedded project and your PC’s Serial Monitor program! I’m building an embedded multi-channel thermocouple reader/datalogger, which has a lot of connections and soldering,

Using Arduino to communicate with embedded project using AVR ATMEGA microcontroller Read More »

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