AVR Atmega16 based Projects List

  1. PCM Audio Based Door Bell using Atmega32 microcontroller
    This is a simple procedure to play PCM audio on any AVR microcontroller. AVR's high speed PWM is used to play the audio. It almost sound fine and can be…
  2. AVR Based CRO using Atmega16 microcontroller
    STEP 1: Circuit Diagram   Components ATmega16 MAX232 0.1uf Capacitor ----- 4pcs DB9 Connector 7805 for 5v power supply STEP 2: Programme Code (Compile using Codevision AVR & Burn in…
  3. Power usage monitor using Atmel AVR using Atmega168 microcontroller
    This project uses Atmega168 microcontroller to compute the power usage at home and logs it to an SD card. It has a graphical LCD display too that shows the power…
  4. Cellphone controlled robot vehicle using ATmega16 microcontroller
    When we talk about wireless robot vehicle, we usually think about the RF circuits. But this project is different. It uses a mobile phone to control the motion of a…
  5. A physical display device for website visitors based on Atmega168
    If you have a blog or website and want to make a physical device to display the number of visitors, this project might be interesting to you. It describes about…
  6. Tetris and Snake with one AVR using Atmega168 microcontroller
    This project describes two games – Tetris and Snake, both programmed inside an Atmega168 microcontroller. You can plug this device to a PAL TV and have fun playing the games.…
  7. Development Board With LCD using Atmega16 microcontrollers
    This instructable shows, how to do your own development board for Atmega16 or Atmega32 processors.The Internet is full of home made development boards, but I think that, there is room…
  8. Portal "Still Alive" on using ATMega16 microcontrollers
    Yet another Portal-related instructable , but Different ! This one shows you how to :   1)Build a very cheap device that plays an 8-bit version of Still Alive from Portal…
  9. Wireless Accelerometer Controlled rgb-LED’s using atmega168 microcontroller
    MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) Accelerometers are in widespread use as tilt-sensors in mobile phones and cameras. Simple accelerometers are available both as ic-chip's and cheap development pcb-boards. Wireless chips are also…
  10. Color Sensor using Atmega16 microcontroller
    This is a simple color sensor using  Atmega16 MCU and can sense Red ,Green and Blue color. How it works: the sensor consist from LDR sensor and RGB LED ,so when the…
  11. Rechargeable Battery Capacity Tester using ATMega168 microcontroller
    Do you have a pile of AA rechargeable batteries in your drawer? Some are old, some are new, but which sets would you bring with your camera on your next…
  12. Programming Arduino Bootloader without Programmer using ATmega168 microcontroller
    OH NO!!! You've screwed up and now the Arduino bootloader on your 'duino is gone!  What are you going to do? Go spend money for a programmer??? Well don't! I've…
  13. How to program a AVR (arduino) with another arduino using attiny2313 microcontroller
    * you've got your arduino with atmega168 and you bought an atmega328 at you local electronics store. It doesn't have an arduino bootloader * you want to make a project…
  14. How to program a AVR (arduino) with another arduino using atmega168 microcontroller
    This instructables is usefull if: * you've got your arduino with atmega168 and you bought an atmega328 at you local electronics store. It doesn't have an arduino bootloader * you…
  15. Arduino Powered Binary Clock using ATmega168 microcontroller
    This instructable will help you to build an Arduino Binary Clock.  The orignial idea for this instructable was designed by Daniel Andrade.  My instructable uses surface mount components, but can…
  16. A credit card sized Ethernet Arduino compatable controller board using ATmega168 microcontroller
    I love the Arduino as a simple and accessible controller platform for many varied projects.  A few months ago, a purchased an Ethernet shield for my Arduino controller to work…
  17. The Word Clock – Arduino version using ATMega168 microcontroller
    Major updates - A much better enclosure for this clock has been designed - check out http://www.instructables.com/id/The-Wordclock-Grew-Up/ Last month I wanted to build a special gift for my beautiful wife,…
  18. Arduino R/C Lawnmower (painted) using Atmega168 microcontroller
    What this is: This instructable will show you how to make your Arduino into an R/C interface that you can use for just about anything requiring remote control. I will also…
  19. The Household Informer using atmega168 microcontroller
    Who wants to go outside to see if the mail has arrived? In the cold winter or rain I’d rather not have to put on a jacket and shoes, only…
  20. The $9 Quasi-duino (Almost-duino)
    Do you currently have an Arduino and want to make it smaller for cheap?  The Quasi-duino is for you (Italian for almost-duino).  This makes a functional "almost" Arduino, in a…
  21. Beginner's Guide – AVR Programming
    You will get this done in 30 min. Step 1: Parts 1. 1 X  any type of circuit board 2. 1 X Atmel AVR Atmega16 microcontroller 3. 8 X 330…
  22. Assembling the ZIFduino USB 1.2 using ATMEGA168 microcontroller
    The ZIFduino, for all intents and purposes, is an Arduino with a ZIF socket. It's geared toward those that want to do prototyping on the platform, but then move the…
  23. Watch futurama on an 8×8 pixel screen using atmega168 microcontroller
    here's how to convert otherwise reasonable quality video into pixelated garbage and play it on a 2 color 8x8 led matrix, with no sound and only moderate sync. ingredients: -…
  24. FanBus Digital Fan and LED Interface for PC using ATMega168 microcontroller
    Last year I modified a blue LED fan with RGB LED's to enhance the look of my server case.  Last summer I built a gaming computer and ever since I…
  25. I2C Bus for ATtiny and ATmega168
    I love the Atmel AVR microcontrollers! Since building the Ghetto Development System described in this Instructable, I've had no end of fun experimenting with the AVR ATtiny2313 and the ATmega168…
  26. Stripboard Arduino using ATMega168 microcontroller
    In this, my first Instructable I'm going to show you how to make a stripped down Arduino for a fraction of the price, using Stripboard/Veroboard. Material List: 1x Atmel ATMega168…
  27. Build a Complete AVR System and Play Mastermind Using Microcontrollers
    The game Mastermind has been around a long time, and I remember getting a board version with colored pegs when I was a kid. I love this game, as it…
  28. Adding ICSP header to your Arduino/AVR board using ISP10PIN microcontroller
    So you may have been playing with Arduino's, or rather, Hackduino's. If you made your own Hackduino or similar project, you may be wondering how to add the ICSP header.…
  29. Build your own (cheap!) multi-function wireless camera controller using Microcontroller AVR ATMega8
    Introduction Ever fancied building your own camera controller? IMPORTANT NOTE: Capacitors for the MAX619 are 470n or 0.47u.  The schematic is correct, but the component list was wrong - updated. This is…
  30. Color Changing Digital PC Fan Controller using Microcontroller ATMega168
    We've all seen LED fans that you can put in your computer to make it look cool.  They usually come in blue, sometimes red or green and consist of a…
  31. LED Cube 4x4x4 using Microcontroller Atmega16
    Amazing 3 dimensional LED display. 64 LEDs makes up this 4 by 4 by 4 cube, controlled by an Atmel Atmega16 microcontroller. Each LED can be addressed individually in software,…
  32. Rechargeable Battery Capacity Tester using Microcontroller ATMega168
    Do you have a pile of AA rechargeable batteries in your drawer? Some are old, some are new, but which sets would you bring with your camera on your next…
  33. Build your own Wifi radio using Microcontroller ATmega16
    The internet hosts lots and lots of online radiostreams, most of them with a certain theme, ranging from old time classics to Tibetian riverdancing. I must admit that I love…
  34. Cellphone Operated Robot Using Microcontrollers
    Component Required: IC1 - MT8870 DTMF decoder IC2 - ATmega16 AVR microcontroller IC3 - L293D motor driver IC4 - 74LS04 NOT gate D1 - 1N4007 rectifier diode R1, R2 -…
  35. Real Time Clock ATMega16
    Description The ATMega16 chip in the M16 has a real-time counter that operates asynchronously when a 32,768hz watch crystal is connected to it, providing a real-time clock. Bascom has built-in…
  36. Digital Melody player using atmega16 microcontroller
    Here' s an melody player with Atmega16. The command "Sound Speaker" is used to generate sound. This is the inbuilt command in Bascom AVR. For more Detail: Digital Melody player…
  37. Stepper motor Control with Atmega16
    With this project you can control a unipolar stepper motor. You can control both the speed and the direction of the motor. The speed and direction and can changed with…
  38. Graphical LCD with KS108 controller
    Description The Graphical LCD 128x64 controlled is with the ATMega16, the graphic LCD GLCD HG1286418C-VA with a S6B0107/S6B0108 controller is used. See below for the pinout of the display. The…
  39. Simple calculator using avr microcontroller Atmega16
    Here's a simple calculator with the Atmega16 microcontroller. It have an LCD display and a 4x4 keypad. You can also download the proteus simulation file on the downloads Bascom Code…
  40. DIY TiX Clock using ATMEGA16 AVR microcontroller
    Here's my instructable for a DIY TiX clock.  It is powered by an AVR microcontroller. The display is made up using a piece of reflector grid you find covering office…
  41. Thermometer with Clock using ATmega16
    This project will display the temperature and time over the LCD display. LM35 is used to sense the temperature and the analog out of the LM35 is converted to digital…
  42. 4 bit interfacing of a 16X2 LCD display to PIC16F877A, Atmega16/32 & MSP430
    16x2 LCDs are most commonly used display units in microcontroller based projects. I got much information about LCD, LCD commands, LCD initialization etc from the below link and I hope,…
  43. My own AVR ISP programmer using PIC16f877a and python!
    Introduction: (don't skip to read the note below) I recently purchased few AVR microcontrollers. I don't know much about AVR since I am using it for first time. Any way,…
  44. AVR based monochrome signal generation for a PAL TV using atmega16 micrcontroller
    Introduction: I have learned some thing about TV in one of my B.tech semester but I forgot most of them. Now I refreshed a few basics and tried to implement…
  45. Running PYTHON (pymite-09) on an Arduino MEGA 2560 using atmega16 micrcontroller
    Now it is the first time I am using an arduino board. Arduino mega 2560 is really a great product. The chip got a flash of 256KB, RAM of 8KB…

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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