AVR based mini Projects

  1. Interactive Television Show Game
    Interactive TV is a tamil channel, Where we lot of programs and also interactive games by call the number and use the mobile button to play the game on the television.…
  2. Presence Notifier With Push Button
    These days in families, both men and women have started working. Both men and women want to succeed in life and for this they have to work hard and spent…
    In this Instructable I will let you know the basic building block of a Quadcopter and how to make it in a very simple way.Only thing you need is some…
  4. IoT Device for Serial to Ethernet by Using TCP
    I know WIZ550S2E solution for monitoring. Recently WIZwiki-W7500ECO platform was announced by WIZnet. So I implemented a firmware of WIZwiki-W7500ECO by WIZ550S2E SW modification because I can handle a source…
  5. Blinking Shark Puppet
    How to make a shark puppet with blinking LED lights for its eyes! The two LED lights are going to turn on when the shark's mouth is closed the first…
  6. Wifi-controlled Telescope+DSLR With Motorized Focuser
    Motivation: I love astronomy and astrophotography very much. I am sure that like me, all amateur astronomers would want a inexpensive personal observatory for taking pictures of the fabulous universe.…
  7. Adding an RTC and OLED to ESP8266-01
    The ESP8266-01 only has a limited number of I/O pins (only 4). Fortunately these pins can be used for I2C communication, allowing us to add a hoist of other chips.I…
  8. WeMos D1 Mini Pro Flash NodeMCU Firmware
    This instructables show how to flash NodeMCU firmware to WeMos D1 mini Pro. Step 1: Introduction WeMos D1 mini Pro is a new ESP8266 dev board. It is thin, light…
  9. Network-Connected Lamps (IoT for Beginners)
    A project for someone who lights up my life... As a Christmas present (albeit an extremely late one now) for a long-distance friend, I wanted to build lamps that could "talk"…
  10. Temp. and RH Data Logger With Wifi UI
    I know! You're thinking: "Oh god... another ESP temperature and humidity silly project..." but wait! Here are the characteristics that might interest you: this data logger can run for 55 days before…
  11. Fast, Portable and Affordable Oscilloscope and Inductance Meter
    When turned off, it looks like an ordinary toy car that would entertain a kid for hours, but actually it is an oscilloscope kit in disguise! The idea and also…
  12. Electronic Paper Rock Scissors Game
    Paper, Rock, Scissors is an old, simple game. Basically each player takes turns to make a shape with their hands and depending on the combination one player wins each round.…
  13. Building Homie Devices for IoT or Home Automation
    This instructable is part of my DIY Home Automation series, check out main article "Planning a DIY Home Automation System". If you don't know yet what Homie is, have a…
  14. Object Avoidance Microbit Robot Using the Kitronik Motor Controller
    Having already experimented with creating a robot using a cheap motor driver board, I decided to look at the one provided by Kitronik, I liked the look of it as…
  15. Electronic Dimmer With Memory
    At home I have a salt lamp. This lamp needs a regular small 15 Watt light bulb that lights up and warms up the lamp. When the lamp is switched…
  16. Wireless Gesture Controlled Robot Using Micro-controller ATmega328
    In this wireless gesture controlled robot project I am going to control a robot using hand gestures. This is an easy, user-friendly way to interact with robotic systems and robots. An accelerometer…
  17. Entertainment Center Cooling System
    As nice as an entertainment center with all the AV equipment neatly stacked behind a glass door looks, the ventilation leaves a lot to be desired, which meant temperatures inside…
  18. Interactive Sound Poster for Kids
    Things to Prepare: - Foam Board - Aluminum Foil or Copper Tape - Makey Makey - Computer ( Or Raspberry Pi & Speaker) - Poster Design Step 1: Design a…
  19. Controlling Relay Module From Anywhere in the World With Amazing UI Using Losant
    Learn how to control relay module from anywhere in the world with Amazing UI using Losant, this is part 6 of IoT World Series Step 1: Needed Components Needed components ESP8266…
  20. MonkeyDogTracker
    Okay, I admit I don’t have a monkey. But would you be looking at this if I didn't mention monkey? And this would work for a monkey. Does your monkey…
  21. Interactive LED Beer Pong Table
    Create your own Interactive LED Beer Pong Table! This instructable will guide you through all of the steps to in order to create a one-of-a-kind beer pong table complete with…
  22. GPS Data Logger
    While this is not the first Arduino based GPS Data Logger out there, it may be the most versatile. This device has a lot of features & even more possible…
  23. Solar Tide Clock
    Tides. In Anchorage Alaska we live on a point located between two enormous tidal bays--so big in fact that Captain Cook on his initial survey of the area thought (hopeful…
  24. Bike Power Pedal IoT
    Work is of two kinds: first, altering the position of matter at or near the earth's surface relatively to other such matter; second, telling other people to do so. The…
  25. Jar of Fireflies
    This project uses green surface-mount LED's along with an AVR ATTiny45 microcontroller to simulate the behavior of fireflies in a jar. https://youtu.be/UeL0LC2IgpQ (note: the firefly behavior in this video has…

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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